Author Topic: Some awesome people get arrested by stupid cops for dancing in public  (Read 1081 times)

I dont understand how it is pathetic.
I dont understand why you support these people.
They're being handicaps and purposely causing disturbances JUST to stir up trouble, especially at a national memorial.
Then some of them decide to resist arrest.

Resisting arrest? One guy willingly put his hands behind his back and waited to be cuffed. Cops were arresting people under no violation of law and therefore failing to do their job. Now THAT is pathetic.

Resisting arrest? One guy willingly put his hands behind his back and waited to be cuffed. Cops were arresting people under no violation of law and therefore failing to do their job. Now THAT is pathetic.
Guy in red at 2:36, the guy in white later.
Why dont they just co-operate, stop being handicaps, go dance somewhere else not in the Jefferson Memorial.
If they co-operated they would of been out there in 2 minutes. When the cops came over and asked them to stop, maybe they should have.

how are they awesome? making a game out of being as close to illegal as you can just to tease the cops isnt protesting or expressing. its people creating bullstuff, WANTING to be arrested so to play the martyr.

wise up people.

There was apparently a sign outside saying: Quiet please for respect.
I bet those dancers were creating quite a scene. I think both sides are at fault here though.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 07:51:04 PM by Count »

I don't hate police. I hate some of the idiots who use the title "police" to enforce their douchebaggery.
when the rest of the police in the same force as these guys don't speak up against it and instead just let them continue coming to work without saying anything, can they really be considered good police?