Author Topic: If you had 1 Superpower, what would it be?  (Read 9996 times)

I'm thinkin perverted badass.. or maybe badass pervert.

I'm thinkin perverted badass.. or maybe badass pervert.
if you choose badass then you can be both

My friend says SuperParkour.

i would have the ability to ban from life

Shapeshifting, the king of superpowers.

Flying: Become a bird or a plane.
Invisibility: Become a small organism or natural-looking object.
Strength: Become a gorilla, or a dinosaur, or a piece of construction equipment.
Time-manipulation: Become a quick animal, or possibly a particle of light.

The list goes on and on. No one has ever been able to change my mind on the matter, but you can try.

If you could shapeshift you could easily kill anyone.
Turn into air/dust or something, go into someones mouth and get swallowed, turn into elephant.
Manipulation of air, could walk around under water in an air bubble, blow stuff away and take away all the air around your enemies so they would suffocate.

How does that even work?
it lets you fall on your face and break bones with super speed and accuracy

Change the title to I you had multiple super powers what would they be?

Well just to have fun. It would have to be time manipulation... I mean shapeshifting has its pros, but I would rather be able to control time.

The ability to materialize anything out of thin air, from a PS3, to a pile of $1,000,000,000, to a smoking hot chick ready to bang.


Shapeshifting, or
invincibility wherein I feel no pain, cannot be harmed in any way, and never age past 25

warping reality

it's like every power ever. godlike.