Author Topic: If you had 3 lives, and you wanted to waste one, what would you do?  (Read 2792 times)

If you had 3 lives, and you wanted to waste one, what would you do?

Terrorist Attack on the Whitehaus.

Would any crimes committed still be on my criminal record when I "respawned"?

I would ensure the demise of a very powerful and corrupt political figure and any who willingly know of his deeds and support him.

Would any crimes committed still be on my criminal record when I "respawned"?

Rob every bank I can find, steal a jet, and drop all of the money out the back.

jump off the Burj Dubai after it's completion

jump off the Burj Dubai after it's completion
The building officially opened on 4 January 2010

Have love with everyone i can. (Cuz, you know, STDs and stuff)

Have love with everyone i can. (Cuz, you know, STDs and stuff)
I'm sure Stocking has some free AIDS

I am looking at some outdated stuff

*jump off the Burj Khalifa