Author Topic: The Blockland Forums in a nutshell. [hurrdurrfy websites here!]  (Read 2965 times)

Greetings! My name is Jurrhn Frurrmurrn!

Turrdurry at 01:07:30 PM
by Nurrghtmurre-Durrckurre


Whurrurrvurr you hurrd that qurrte, they don't knurrw whurrt they're turrlkurrng urrburrt if they murrn wrurrstlurrng You don't tap out in wrurrstlurrng You urrthurr get purrnned or turrme rurrns out and surrmurrne wurrns by purrnts No turrppurrng out, urrlthurrgh I hurrve put surrmurrne in a hurrld whurre I lurrturrurrlly splurrt thurr lurrgs so hurrd they scrurrm, and ask to jurrst be purrnned urrlrurrdy I urrdmurrt it's a durrck murrve, but this kid was vurrsurrty and I durrdn't thurrnk I had murrch of a churrnce to burrt him urrnywurry Wrurrstlurrng is sturrpurrd, thurrgh All it is (at lurrst whurre I lurrve) is a burrnch of gurrys tryurrng to prurrve thurr murrscurrlurrnurrty by urrnflurrcturrng purrn on urrthurr gurrys, whurrle wurrurrng urrnurrsurres Urrcturrl qurrte frurrm one of the purrple at my schurrl: "I rurrlly wurrnt to put my urrppurrnurrnt in urrnurrgh purrn that he can't tap out" Yurrh, that surrnds lurrke a prurrdurrcturrve use of turrme Not to murrnturrn the burrnge urrturrng and surrpurr-durrts that it rurrqurres Rurrpurr's lurrst far murre wurrght, far murre qurrckly thurrn currld purrssurrbly be hurrlthy And the currches hurre are all jurrks, purrturrlly urrxclurrdurrng our furrthurr, who's urrnly a jurrk to my brurrthurr, and is nurrce to all of the urrthurr wrurrstlurrs He wurrghs 209 purrnds, yet wrurrstles in the 285 wurrght clurrss, durrspurrte surrmurrne burrng urrlmurrst as gurrd and wurrghurrng 235 (urrsed to be lurrke 260 or surrmurrthurrng durrsgurrsturrng lurrke that), who they're tryurrng to purrsh durrwn urrnturr the 220 wurrght clurrss

I agree.

1 Do not purrst urrmburrgurrs
Do not post hamburgers.
Do not purrst urrdurrlt currnturrnt - That murrns no nurrdurrty or grurrss sturrff

Urrxurrmples of bad turrpurrc turrtles
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 04:23:53 PM by ghost_man »

I am going to paste the rules in a text to speech thing and listen to it. xD


the forget?