Author Topic: The (Poorly Drawn) Adventures of Bronson Conroy (& Sgt. George Blackfalcon III)  (Read 39722 times)

i assume we already bought the missle spell have we?

if not go ahead and buy, then proceed on to ask for mana potions

okay then detect magic again and see if there are any other shops out there that have auras.

That is it I'm hijacking.

/try again
/yes you forget I can smash you with my hammer


You sense another Magical aura, but it's not in the town, infact, it's suprising you can even sense it from here.

Go to the aura? Yes/no



List other shop's types (gun, armor, etc) and we'll decide from there.

You have the following selections:

Chekhov's Gun Store
Audible Sharpness (melee store)
Plot Armor

Cookie to whoever knows what I'm referencing.

is there a vehicle shop

make one plz

is there a vehicle shop

make one plz
you don't have a license

Screw the money, I have rules
Screw the rules, I have green hair
Screw the vagina, I have a vagina

Screw the money, I have rules
Screw the rules, I have green hair
Screw the vagina, I have a vagina



Moving on

>Tempted to post another YGO:TAS reaction picture.
>Resisting because I have the (will)power.