Author Topic: Ace of Spades: FREE MIX OF MINECRAFT AND DOD  (Read 8910 times)

I made a mod that plays the intro banjo as the tf2 announcer saying "The mission has started".
Also horn at end saying "Victory!"

I hate it when I'm building a wall and I mess up and break my block. Then some guy on my team sees this, kills me, then starts a vokekick and yells "kick steve hes griefing!!!"

I made a mod that plays the intro banjo as the tf2 announcer saying "The mission has started".
Also horn at end saying "Victory!"
I tried to make it do one of the starting themse from Black ops (The one with the guitar)

It was my fave even though I rarely played online.

The only problem with this game though, is the damn griefers.

The only problem with this game though, is the damn griefers.
I loving know. It pisses me off so much.
There is literately a huge battle in the middle of the map where everyone should be fighting but there is at least 5 people just placing random blocks and destroying buildings at the spawn. It so annoying.

I got 60 kills with rifle

all headshots

I probably snuck a few more kills in before I finally was spotted and got shot

I love how on the AoS wiki it says the Rifle has fire spread.

Seeing as how you can hit someone out of visual range if you just know where they are, that's bullstuff. There seems to be no point to the other two weapons.

I love how on the AoS wiki it says the Rifle has fire spread.

Seeing as how you can hit someone out of visual range if you just know where they are, that's bullstuff. There seems to be no point to the other two weapons.
I've found that you can't get headshots with rifle unless you're scoped.
The other guns are very effective at their ranges.
Shotgun, I blasted through 4 people without them getting a shot off on me.
Machinegun, you can pin down some people VERY effectively.

Although I do agree, if you're slick with a rifle, you're unbeatable.

I've found that you can't get headshots with rifle unless you're scoped.
The other guns are very effective at their ranges.
Shotgun, I blasted through 4 people without them getting a shot off on me.
Machinegun, you can pin down some people VERY effectively.

Although I do agree, if you're slick with a rifle, you're unbeatable.
I got 60 kills with rifle

all headshots

I probably snuck a few more kills in before I finally was spotted and got shot

i can't stop playing this game aaaahh
i started on a personal weapons pack too for fun :B

I didn't expect something like this.

What a wonderful shooter.
You actually need to think and use strategy or you'll be cut down. Never experienced anything like this in a first person shooter.
The creative aspect, bunker building, is a very nice touch. After playing this, I'll always despise non-dynamic maps.

Only problem really is the hackers. I suppose that's to be expected though since it's an Alpha.

I like playing footsy with the opposition when I'm defending.
1.) Set up trenches with deadends
2.) Wait for enemy to get in trench
3.) 1(or 10) shots 1 kill, move to next dead end
4.) ???
5.) Profit.

I kinda liked the ww2 feel when it was just the rifle and blue vs green.

Anyone got a thompson skin for the smg?

i've seen one but it's not very good.
i can make one, drum magazine or straight?

i've seen one but it's not very good.
i can make one, drum magazine or straight?