Author Topic: Random fort.  (Read 4122 times)

awsome fort there should be lights and a draw brige.

I like it too, but don't forget the moat! You can't have a drawbridge without a moat!

yes a moat too that would totally make this fort awsomer

I just woke up, but while I was in bed an idea for a Nate-esque castle came to me, I'll be working on certain parts of it to see if I can make it.

I'll also wrap up the last of this build.

it would really hurt to step on o.O
9/10 if i may rate

Yeah I like ratings, esp if there's a critique with it.  This thing took too long... 10 hours straight through the night, and I'll probably do my new idea the same way, except with more nights factored in due to magnitude.

I like it, looks complex and fun to explore, and it's in black!  :cookieMonster:

i like the interesting layout especially the fact that it isnt a perfect rectangle....
may i suggest that you make a floating castle in this style for dms cause that would probably be one of the best dms ever :D

Right now I want to try a huge realistic castle that will be many times larger than this and with wider hallways for a DM that can fit more than 4 people.

Might do one of these in the air for lulz once Primary has jets.

Right now I want to try a huge realistic castle that will be many times larger than this and with wider hallways for a DM that can fit more than 4 people.

Might do one of these in the air for lulz once Primary has jets.

I made something like that in RtB... before I changed computers and it crashed. I'LL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN!!!
Too bad I didn't know I could take screenshots. DX

I think that this entire build can be compressed into a set of macros, I was looking at it and with a little bit of rearrangement the entire build is modular.

still looks awesome, I don't know how one might add colour to this. Maybe some lights?

Torches mabey  if not lights. Creepy music would be cool if you want to give it that spooky look to it.

Did I even save this build...

Apparently I did.

Cleared most of the other stuff.