Author Topic: Wikipedia's Anti-SOPA/PIPA Blackout  (Read 12973 times)

craigslist is blacked out as well.

Brotip: You can still use the English Wikipedia if you disable javascript.
How to disable it?

I have SOPA'D myself. Join the cause!

How to use Wikipedia:

Load page. Right before it finishes, stop the page from loading.

Load page. Right before it finishes, stop the page from loading.
Escape key*

UPDATE: Wikipedia was shut down 14+ hours ago and rebooted later as SOPA tested their resolve. If this continues, I'm going to go protest down in the city with the others. Not only does SOPA want to censor the US internet, but the entire WORLD'S internet usage. Just because you're Swedish or Japanese or German doesn't mean you can sit back and watch America struggle like the old days. No. Be worried about yourselves AND us because if SOPA's ideals pass, you're coming to visit Hell with us.

Down with SOPA. Down with our corrupted Goverment. And if by chance some SOPA douchecigarette Googled this comment, go ahead and arrest me. It won't do you any good.

Newground's gone dark too.

Newground's gone dark too.
audio portal is fine, i'm good :D

I think the entire wikia network downed itself.

I heard that if you turn off Javascript you can still Wikipedia around. ;)
(Spell check says Wikipedia should be with capital w. O_o)

Say nopa to sopa and pipa! >:C