Author Topic: Cargo plane!  (Read 9936 times)

* Ministry laughs sarcasticly at this weak battle.

* Rolland rips Ghouls remains to shreds and throws them to wolfs *

wtf are you doing do you guys do that all the time lol

* Rolland jams an active grenade down eat884's throat and runs *

* frodo091 stops time, picks up eat884, shoves him down Rolland's throat, runs away, and restarts time. *
* frodo091 laughs maniacally. *

* frodo091 stops time, picks up eat884, shoves him down Rolland's throat, runs away, and restarts time. *
* frodo091 laughs maniacally. *
* Rolland reveals frodo091 stuck himself down eat884's throat and ran

Muwahahaahaa you died

back on topic.
this idea would be nice, when we find out how to shoot from planes and stuff (without using Q) it work for bomb runs but for now, its parachutes. This idea is actully a good one and your new here, not many newbies start of to good with suggestions.

* frodo091 stops time, picks up eat884, shoves him down Rolland's throat, runs away, and restarts time. *
* frodo091 laughs maniacally. *
* Rolland reveals frodo091 stuck himself down eat884's throat and ran

Muwahahaahaa you died
Gah! I hate it when that happens.

shocklink im not new here and also this is woodland creature.

im not saying
to you, and i already knew you were wood. i just said stop to rolland and frodo.

* StoreClerk dies because he can't use the parachute while moving.

* Rolland punches Shocklink *

* Nellis shoves Rolland up Shocklinks butt and smiles while saying " :cookieMonster: "*

* Rolland deletes ONeill off his Xfire Buddy List *