Author Topic: Digital Art Megathread  (Read 9502 times)

Needs more stars.

Very nice. I'm not sure what kind of style you're aiming for but I'd turn down the bright green light a bit. It's a little overblown. Even so a very nice piece of work indeed.

Very nice. I'm not sure what kind of style you're aiming for but I'd turn down the bright green light a bit. It's a little overblown. Even so a very nice piece of work indeed.
I moved the flares so the upper left part isn't as bright as before.


And I might change the colors, I'm not happy with it... :/

I prefer the bottom one. That is totally wallpaper material. Can you do a 1680x1050 version?

I prefer the bottom one. That is totally wallpaper material. Can you do a 1680x1050 version?
Sure. But first I'll play around with the colors. When I'm done you can pick your favourite.


There you go.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:20:53 PM by Gravity Cat »

Sure. But first I'll play around with the colors. When I'm done you can pick your favourite.
Thanks man. It's a totally sweet wallpaper. What program did you use? You've got skills.

Thanks man. It's a totally sweet wallpaper. What program did you use? You've got skills.
I use Blender.

Oh and I just noticed Tinypic resized the pictures to 1600x1000... :/

I use Blender.

Oh and I just noticed Tinypic resized the pictures to 1600x1000... :/

Mind blown. How on earth do you get such effects out of Blender? That bright light and lens flare? Are the rings a texture?

Mind blown. How on earth do you get such effects out of Blender? That bright light and lens flare? Are the rings a texture?
The rings consist of a procedural blend texture with about 30 color stops in the color ramp and a procedural noise texture. Both affect the alpha channel of the ring. For the lighting I use two layers, the first for the planet and background, the second for the ring and moon. The first layer has a sun with no shadows, the second layer has a sun with shadows and slightly different rotation. Both lights only affect the layers they are on. The materials are either shadeless or use the Toon diffuse shader with no specularity. The sun effect consists of a simple plane with four vertices, its material is set to halo. Star tips enabled, Add set to 1.0 and Flares enabled. I use Compositing for the glow/colors/etc. (Without Compositing the whole scene is pretty monochrome).

It's really nothing special.

Actually I just wanted to put together a pretty simple logo for a project I'm working on... :)

The rings consist of a procedural blend texture with about 30 color stops in the color ramp and a procedural noise texture. Both affect the alpha channel of the ring. For the lighting I use two layers, the first for the planet and background, the second for the ring and moon. The first layer has a sun with no shadows, the second layer has a sun with shadows and slightly different rotation. Both lights only affect the layers they are on. The materials are either shadeless or use the Toon diffuse shader with no specularity. The sun effect consists of a simple plane with four vertices, its material is set to halo. Star tips enabled, Add set to 1.0 and Flares enabled. I use Compositing for the glow/colors/etc. (Without Compositing the whole scene is pretty monochrome).

It's really nothing special.

Actually I just wanted to put together a pretty simple logo for a project I'm working on... :)

And I though I was good with Blender.. There's no way I could have come up with that. Mad props to you sensei.

Im obsessed with mountains.

Made with gimp.
And yes that's my signature lol AM = Andrew Merenzei

Looks really nice Jacky. The lighting on the mountains is hot.

Thanks. I'm making a new one right now c:

Here's the new and better one!

Oh God it looks even better. You should add a few little trees, maybe some snow at the top.

I think I'm going to admit that the plain one looks a tad better, but even if this doesn't look good, i don't care, I'm only a beginner at this :P
How is it though? :o