Author Topic: Film Photogaphy  (Read 1664 times)

I'm sure there's at least one other hipster film photographer on here, right?

Anyways, here's some pictures I have (by some I mean a lot):

I apologize for the facebook links, its the only place I have them ALL uploaded to.

Abridged version:

Also, all of these are unedited.

I shoot mainly on an Canon AE-1, but I also have a Canon T50, Rebel G, and Rebel Ti as well as a Konica Autoreflex T (great for night photography and star trails) and a Minolta Maxxum 5000i.  What do you guys shoot on?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 03:02:55 PM by TapeDeck »

The photos look almost identical to the photos that my digital camera produces. Do you have a darkroom & processing chemicals?

These are all done by Costco, they develop them and scan them.  I have a lot of B+W film photos I took for my photography class at the local Community College, but I just don't have time to scan all of them.  I might scan some of the prints I made though. 

And to answer your question, yes, I have everything to develop and enlarge B+W film.  My darkroom is my bathroom.  I can only do stuff in there at night, and even then, I have to put some aluminum foil in the skylight to stop the moonlight from coming in. 

I hear that developing color film on your own is handicappedly difficult.

I hear that developing color film on your own is handicappedly difficult.
I KNOW.  B+W is so forgiving...

too bad Kodak is going down(hill)...

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 01:42:50 AM by Conan »

too bad Kodak is going down...


Filing for bankruptcy != "going down".

I <3 developing my own film. Funnest part about high school.
I want my own darkroom.

they're both a bit smaller than the originals, especially the top one
just copy the URL into another tab if you want to see it full size I guess

anyway I have a couple more pictures but they're not film
these are just my two favorite color photos I took
I had a BW roll developed, but I didn't pay for the digital copies for that one so I just have the physical ones

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 03:08:23 AM by TapeDeck »

you're lucky to have somewhere you can take pictures like that
all that empty land you have in Arizona
well in Alabama all that empty land is replaced with annoying trees

you're lucky to have somewhere you can take pictures like that
all that empty land you have in Arizona
well in Alabama all that empty land is replaced with annoying trees
go into town, do some urban photography, get some long roads.

or get a wide lens and take advantage of some small spaces

you're lucky to have somewhere you can take pictures like that
all that empty land you have in Arizona
well in Alabama all that empty land is replaced with annoying trees

My dad actually took that....with his phone too.

Lots of empty space, yet nothing to do :c

I took this. The date is wrong

Updated OP with:

I shoot mainly on an Canon AE-1, but I also have a Canon T50, Rebel G, and Rebel Ti as well as a Konica Autoreflex T (great for night photography and star trails) and a Minolta Maxxum 5000i.  What do you guys shoot on?