Author Topic: Joshua Moon and Personal Agendas  (Read 179516 times)

so you have a bad day, and a girl cheers you up with not so casual pictures of her?

arent you the unfortunate guy.

[im g][/img]

Yeah, thanks for proving I'm a good person. You'd been harassing me for a picture of my midriff for the last 4 months or so, and I felt bad enough for you that I took one.

Now we can get back to the topic of you completely taking advantage of good people and how you're a terrible person that should be burned alive upside down on a stake.

Why does she hang CDs on her wall? D:

Why does she hang CDs on her wall? D:
I know one girl who took all those trial AOL CDs she used to get in the mail in the 90s and just glue them on the ceiling of her wall, reflective side towards the floor.  Looked really nice actually.

Why does she hang CDs on her wall? D:
I know it's loving terrible. With that in mind Iban wins this drama hands down.

so you have a bad day, and a girl cheers you up with not so casual pictures of her?

arent you the unfortunate guy.
How can she try to play it off that I'm some sort of monster when she is clearly willing to go out of her way for me?

I don't get it. I don't get why she would add and re-add me for months on end after every argument, and then go to such extremes to piss me off.

How am I the immature one? How can I be to blame for what I say when she is the one antagonizing me after a full year of being extremely cozy with me? She forgeted with me, she did it on a professional level, yet I am the monster.

You know what? I give up. I cannot win.

Iban used to be cool until he got that light beer and spammed about how he was drinking.

You know what? I give up. I cannot win.
See you next account!

See you next account!
I'm just going to focus on my add-ons as was the original plan. Nothing else can be done to repair this necrosis.

Iban used to be cool until he got that light beer and spammed about how he was drinking.
yea duude I got o'douls!! XD

wait what? O'doul's is non-alcoholic?

I don't remember ever drinking and posting here.

I don't remember ever drinking and posting here.
That's because you were too drunk to remember, silly!

How can she try to play it off that I'm some sort of monster when she is clearly willing to go out of her way for me?

I don't get it. I don't get why she would add and re-add me for months on end after every argument, and then go to such extremes to piss me off.

How am I the immature one? How can I be to blame for what I say when she is the one antagonizing me after a full year of being extremely cozy with me? She forgeted with me, she did it on a professional level, yet I am the monster.

I felt sorry for you, I still did up until the point you loving lied your ass off to Nibbles and begged him to block me.

I constantly did things to try to cheer you up because I'm a good person, and I was more or less guilt-tripped into trying to keep you around. Every time you'd block me you'd talk to someone about committing Self Delete, so I'd ask someone to get me in contact with you so I could talk you out of it. I was nice to you, I have feelings and empathize with people on a level you're obviously incapable of understanding.

You're a terrible person. You have no redeeming qualities and you constantly took my kindness to you as a person as some sort of "coming onto you" because you're socially handicapped. You're incapable of differentiating between friendliness and courtship, because you're handicapped. If I wasn't clear the several times I said "I'd never date you", I wasn't manipulating you, I legitimately didn't want you to commit Self Delete or kill somebody else in the process.

Good job being an starfish, I'm counting the days til you're banned and you wind up as some other community's scourge.

I don't remember ever drinking and posting here.

You hosted a few years ago and talked about how you were drunk and sent an image showing you and a light beer.