Author Topic: What programs do you waste your time with?  (Read 1502 times)

Basically you tell us all what kind of programs you play around with in your spare time. Something you just downloaded and ran and never stopped playing around with. They can be games, MIDI sequencers, paint programs, anything. Just post it and let everyone else have fun with it. <3

Unless you have to pay for them. That isn't fun.

I myself have four I deal some time with every day. - Apophysis - fractal editor for Windows. Math stuff but it's pretty cool once you edit stuff. - Spelunky - cave combatish game with that retro feel. Fun and addicting. - MyPaint - digital image creator. Lots of brushes, etc. I think there's a topic for it on the forums somewhere. - FamiTracker - 8bit music creator. The best you can get. Offers NSF file exporting, allowing you to create music and put it onto an actual NES cartridge if you're that smart.

My paint, gimp, skype, and the rest of my time on the computer is either Blockland, TF2, Terraria, or Blockland.

Click MusicalKEYS - "Click MusicalKEYS is an onscreen musical keyboard program to play piano music through the computer with 128 musical instruments."

Xpadder - to use my PS3 controller as a replacement for some controls

Powder Toy - best powder toy ever

TorqueDev - 4coding torke - FamiTracker - 8bit music creator. The best you can get. Offers NSF file exporting, allowing you to create music and put it onto an actual NES cartridge if you're that smart.

also blockland of course

also visual studio 2008 express for C++ and eclipse for java anything else besides torque is NOTEPAD STUFF

and FLStudio
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 11:22:59 PM by otto-san »

chrome 75%

stepmania 10%

minecraft 8%

scripting 7%

steam games 4%

other 1%

Click MusicalKEYS - "Click MusicalKEYS is an onscreen musical keyboard program to play piano music through the computer with 128 musical instruments."
Oh sweet. MIDI recording and everything. Real basic but cool.

Click MusicalKEYS - "Click MusicalKEYS is an onscreen musical keyboard program to play piano music through the computer with 128 musical instruments."
why does it seem a bit off-key to me

64 Bit Version of Firefox

Chrome = 90%

Other things that are hard to categorize = 10%

Google Talk
The list is endless

I should mention if you play around with something other people may like, post a link to a download or website if you can. :l

Google Chrome.