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Author Topic: BlokHeads  (Read 7144 times)

Would it be possible to have an option to switch from top-down to first person? Maybe a server option thing? I just think this might be kinda neat in first person. But so would top-down, soooooo.....

Would it be possible to have an option to switch from top-down to first person? Maybe a server option thing? I just think this might be kinda neat in first person. But so would top-down, soooooo.....
I'll make an RTB pref for the people I give the mod. :)

I've played bloxheads so addicting (sorry if its spelt wrong)

Now, one problem I see you can run into is the bot path finding.

What if I built a map, made a bunch of zombie starting points, and then threw in some obstacles and started the minigame. What if the zombies hit an obstacle or something? You'll probably need pathfinding then.

Now, one problem I see you can run into is the bot path finding.

What if I built a map, made a bunch of zombie starting points, and then threw in some obstacles and started the minigame. What if the zombies hit an obstacle or something? You'll probably need pathfinding then.

Will devils have unique models?

The Smith:
• Created the Map Rotation System
• Created Tick System
• Created Basic Zombie Spawning
• Regular Zombies will be white
• Devil Zombies will be red.
• Avatar System Finished
•Derroith is now making weapons for us.

I loved this game when I was younger. I had forgotten about it until now. I think I might go play it.

He doesnt release his mods...
^ True
Sorry :( Ill host a lot though :)
Ill probably host a lot of me and just friends when I get bored
And LAN for people who come to my house.

Did you say you needed a modeller?

Did you say you needed a modeller?
Gun, Shotgun, Uzi, Rocket

I could model, but i need (once again) someone to export the models into .dts.