What to do when you're new?

Author Topic: What to do when you're new?  (Read 1004 times)

Nothing specific. Join a server and proverbially go crazy!!

Welcome to Blockland, glad to see a new user that has fine grammar and seems socially sound.

Now that you own the game, you can build with more than 150 bricks and join multiplayer games. That's Blockland :)

But yeah, this:

Nothing specific. Join a server and proverbially go crazy!!

seems like a good option.

Ohhh stuff bro. Just be careful on the forums. A slip up can cause a mangled star fish...

No srsly.


Play for a maximum of 12 hours a week so that you don't burn out and hate the game.

Build. Try to develop a love of building as fast as possible as that is the main focus of the game. Look in the Gallery section to get ideas and what not, but build as much as possible.

1. Don't be noobish
2. Do not ever abuse admin
3. Don't spam
4. Try not to get banned/kicked
5. Have fun
6. Be nice and make good servers
7. Try not to bother Ephilates (Blockland moderater)
8. Try your best at building! :D
9. Don't paint people
10. Try for ever to not get banned forever!

1. Don't be noobish
From what it looks like, you're still stuck on that!  :cookieMonster:

Or better yet, a tourist's guide to Blockland:  10 things you've got to try doing when you're here!
since there's no way someone can be serious about this, I wont even try

1. be a furry
2. pretend to be a girl
3. build a giant snake
4. go to a family RP
5. be a post whore
6. make everyone hate you
7. make everyone like you
8. make explosion-spamming events
9. never play blockland after a year
10. tell someone their opinion is wrong

you'll fit right in if you just follow this comprehensive guide to being a forgetass (yes that means it's normal to be a forgetass)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 10:58:34 PM by Night Fox »

forget bitches get money

not get banned :J

I remember when I was new and I went around downloading add-ons and using them to blow up ACM city.