Author Topic: [Forum Theme] Blockland Steam  (Read 6000 times)

You should change the colors of the diamonds to light gray, because right now, it contrasts far too much from the rest of the forums.
Unless this has already been suggested and cannot be done.
it can be done but that's probably on the bottom of my priorities list as I am working on changing the header buttons to something more fitting first.

This skin is ridiculous.  I love it, it's so beautiful.

I am in love with this.

Idea/Suggestion:  Have the script detect any bans specifically by Badspot/administrators, and if it is, highlight the "User has been banned for this post." as opposed to leaving it white and ignoring the color change.

some avatars have transparency weird so they dont blend well

Idea/Suggestion:  Have the script detect any bans specifically by Badspot/administrators, and if it is, highlight the "User has been banned for this post." as opposed to leaving it white and ignoring the color change.
i may or may not have made a fix for this
some avatars have transparency weird so they dont blend well
the theme is the theme for it's colors, i can't find an avatar's transparency levels or whatever with even javascript :U

Kind of angry about how sometimes the log-out button doesn't load. Any reason why it would be doing this?

Code: [Select]
code is hard to read
i copied my code into the one on so it should be fixed, and if it isn't i'm not sure.
Kind of angry about how sometimes the log-out button doesn't load. Any reason why it would be doing this?
because chrome is stupid i guess, it's the only way that i know of if you don't want the white edges, i could go into javascript but i don't have the inspiration to do so at this moment in time.

this theme is almost completely grayscale, where are you seeing green?


I have a weird problem. This theme is activated on almost every website i go on. Is this a problem with the website theme maker?

I have a weird problem. This theme is activated on almost every website i go on. Is this a problem with the website theme maker?
Click the "Stylish" app in the corner of Chrome/Firefox. Go to "Edit". Then set it as "Url Starting with" and copy paste

Then save.

i've seen weird stuff but with this i have no idea

do you have any other themes enabled alongside this?