Author Topic: Song Production  (Read 1476 times)

I do some recording and production on the side (expensive hobby, kids), and here's some tracks I recorded/produced.  I'm not performing any of these.  Feel free to comment/post your own!

Picasso's Wall is a jazz/rock/whatever 3 piece.  Right now they have a generic 12 bar blues song up, but hopefully in a week or two we'll have another finished up.

My buddy Clay Dudash came over and spent a few hours laying down some tracks with me one day.  We recorded "Gavin" and "Pretty Please," (<my fav) among others.  I had nothing to do with "Densely Coy," though.

Feel free to click "Like" on both pages, and I'll be sure to like anything posted because I love you all. <3
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 04:09:04 AM by TapeDeck »

What do you record with?

SM57/58 knockoffs (3 ea):

Good for live vocals, drum close micing, and guitar amps

2 Studio Concepts B1v2:

Studio vocals, amps, and drum overheads

Presonus FireStudio Project:

I loving love this thing

The FireStudio comes with a DAW called StudioOne Artist, and that's what I've been using lately. 
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 12:02:37 AM by TapeDeck »

Do you record in a studio or computer software? I've turned my desktop into a mini-studio with Sonar:

StudioOne Artist is a DAW software similar to Sonar and Cubase.  It works natively with the FireStudio and has great plugins built in so that's what I'm using at the moment.  I'm eyeing StudioOne 2 Pro or Cubase 6 Pro, though...

I really like this stuff man, is it downloadable from anywhere?

I really like this stuff man, is it downloadable from anywhere?
Not at the moment.  Like the page or bookmark it or whatever; once we finish up all of the Picasso's Wall recordings, we're going to sell CD's at shows and see if we can get with some online distributor or something so we can get some cash on the side.  We'll always have everything up for streaming, though.

My friend recorded a song all by himself with me, he's playing everything.  I'm pretty much done mastering it, it might need more work, idk.