Author Topic: so guys mitt romney is 75% going to be our new president  (Read 2030 times)

recently (ie yesterday) mitt romney won the voted for nevada with 42% of the votes going to him.

holy forget

on a side note, newt was tempted to drop out of the race after romney won nevada

Mitt Romney?

I don't wanna live on this planet anymore.

>nevada believes
oh god that's horrible

GOP candidates all suck hot monkey richard.

Sadly, It's going to be either him or Obama.

This years election sucks. Everyones a moron. I would prefer to have Obama do nothing for 4 more years than to see any of these clowns take office.

Whatever everyone says, Obama didn't do a terrible job as president. Busch left America in terrible condition and obama turned around and killed osama bin laden and prevented another full-on depression. I think that because human nature classifies people and because the black people stereotype still subconsciously exists, that when he messes up, because he is black, his approval rating goes down.

forget he's here in colorado in 2 days

obama killed osama bin laden
I'm so sick of people giving him credit for that. Obama wasn't there, and last I checked he didn't even know where Osama was. The SEALS got a hint and went for it.

I guess you guys d9n't know how these elections work.
Romney is getting voted on by Republicans on who will be the candidate to run against Obama and other people. These votes have nothing to do with the actual election.

I guess you guys d9n't know how these elections work.
Romney is getting voted on by Republicans on who will be the candidate to run against Obama and other people. These votes have nothing to do with the actual election.
Electoral College.

I'm so sick of people giving him credit for that. Obama wasn't there, and last I checked he didn't even know where Osama was. The SEALS got a hint and went for it.

Learn to do research. Obama was an integral planner and leader.
Electoral College.

Which is handicapped. Part 1, Part 2.

I'm so sick of people giving him credit for that. Obama wasn't there, and last I checked he didn't even know where Osama was. The SEALS got a hint and went for it.

Navy Seals don't hear about where a major American target (possibly the BIGGEST target) is and go and kill him without consulting the President first.

republican candidate =/= president

I'm 99% sure he'll be the republican candidate, but I hope he isn't president. At least he is probably the least handicapped of the handicaplican candidates.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 11:16:15 AM by Littledude »