Author Topic: so guys mitt romney is 75% going to be our new president  (Read 2032 times)

Navy Seals don't hear about where a major American target (possibly the BIGGEST target) is and go and kill him without consulting the President first.
So Obama said "go for it." Any President with the common sense of an ant would've said the same thing, I don't see any reason to give Obama credit for being the president at the right time.

So Obama said "go for it." Any President with the common sense of an ant would've said the same thing, I don't see any reason to give Obama credit for being the president at the right time.

Planning and coordinating an attack, in cooperation with military leaders of course, on one of America's top priority targets =/= "Go for it."

So Obama said "go for it." Any President with the common sense of an ant would've said the same thing, I don't see any reason to give Obama credit for being the president at the right time.

Learn to do research. Obama was an integral planner and leader.

Glad to see you're ignoring my post.

Not to mention you can't have a political figurehead without giving him credit. Especially when the seals who carried out their orders are kept secret.

Ron Paul Can’t Win?

Sure he won’t win, not if the GOP electorate continues spreading the falsehood that he has no chance at the nomination. Paul finished strong in a three way Iowa horse race and took second in New Hampshire. I understand if you want to vote for more war with countries that can’t even make enough gasoline to come here and attack us. I get the fact that you might like spending and big government adding $50,000 debt to every man woman and child in the last 4 years. If you want to send your personal information to the Federal Government when you file your taxes then yes, you might want to vote for anyone other than Ron Paul and support the patriot act. The income tax is also a good reason to oppose Ron Paul, I mean of course the government should be in the business of telling us how much of our own money we can keep. Quit being apathetic, if Paul loses and we invade Iran and start bombing them the media will immediately utilize the words terrorism and patriotism to start the propaganda bandwagon and the ‘Mainstream GOP’ will have denied us a return to conservatism.

Ron Paul Is Wrong On Social Security?

Social security is broke and it needs to be phased out, in that case Dr. Paul has presented a relevant logical argument for eventually eliminating S.S. Do you understand how the government creates bubbles? Pumping money into programs that we can’t account for like social security. We bailed out the banks with stimulus dollars, created a financial bubble that has destroyed the dollar. We gave mortgages to families that could never pay them back, created the housing bubble which caused foreclosures. We have been giving student loans out to anyone and look what is being created, the student loan bubble as student debt and tuition both rise. So let’s just keep dishing out money for s.s. benefits to create another bubble? Not the wisest policy position to tout with the economy remaining crippled from the previous bubbles that only Paul predicted as far back as 2002.

Ron Paul, House Of Representatives, July 16th 2002.

“ Ironically, by transferring the risk of a widespread mortgage default, the government increases the likelihood of a painful crash in the housing market. This is because the special privileges of Fannie, Freddie, and HLBB have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital they could not attract under pure market conditions. As a result, capital is diverted from its most productive use into housing. This reduces the efficacy of the entire market and thus reduces the standard of living of all Americans. “

Ron Paul Is tribal..?

To understand modern day racism one must consider the Drug War. Obama expanded it and Ron Paul decries it. It’s the most stereotypical tribal bigoted war Obama has continued. Out of all non violent marijuana crimes 64% of imprisonments are inner city blacks, and it’s not the result of a massively lopsided number in black arrests. Ron Paul is a strict libertarian, consistently following a political ideology that staunchly opposes racial inequality, and rejects such collectivism. Paul doesn’t separate people into factions or groups he sees the individual as a sovereign citizen protected by inalienable rights. If the media is going to try to discredit Ron Paul I suggest they at least have some dignity, they offer zero education on the legitimacy of his stand pertaining to the War on Drugs. They offer no coverage to the countless times the congressman has publicly took a stand for African American rights and slammed the racial unfairness in drug cases. Research the man’s career, he’s the closest resemblence to MLK on the issue of civil liberties that this nation has . Ron Paul has been a constant critic of the ongoing Drug War and the actions being taken by the P.O.T.U.S.

Ron Paul Wants To Make College Less Affordable?

The misrepresentation of Paul’s student loan program really discredits most media pundits and average voters. One College Student sarcastically told me, ” I will work full time and get myself through my last semester to see how it will feel to be a college student if Paul were president .” This is just another example of widespread distortion when it comes to Ron’s positions. He want’s to phase out the student loan program which obviously isn’t working, just look for a second at the skyrocketing tuition, and fast rising student debt. Following a pattern of federal aid that has resulted in the potential of lifetime debt and higher costs seems suicidal when you actually dissect the concept. However, feel free at your own peril to support Obama or the GOP consensus of federal involvement in education which has been a failure. Paul wants to cut a trillion year one (hard task in a divided congress, but the only proper course for the economy) and balance the budget in three years. With a robust economy schools could compete for the lowest tuition to persuade students, all while improving education standards because that’s what a free market is about. If you really believe the student loan program is working you are ignoring the obvious systematic flaws.

Finally, Paul’s Foreign Policy Is Dangerous?

Throughout this election cycle, including in the nationally televised debates, Congressman Paul has sought to distinguish himself from the other GOP contenders on foreign policy. Ron Paul has been painted as dangerous for wanting to resolve U.S. conflicts abroad through trade and mutual relationships that benefit America as well as these other nations. The C.I.A. term ‘Blowback’ best describes the results of our Involvement in over 145 countries, for every innocent foreigner that becomes a casualty of our armed forces, ten more will join in arms against our young men and women. Countries around the globe vocally express their opposition to America’s invasions, imposing our will overseas permanently without a concrete purpose has been the main motivation for attacks such as 9/11. To suggest Ron is an Isolationist because he doesn’t want to communicate with Iran or other countries through guns and tanks but rather through trade and diplomacy, is very naive. Rick, Mitt, and Newt have all shown public support for a pre-emptive attack on in Iran, even without nuclear capability, or any act of war imposed upon us. Paul’s three mega-hawkish rivals will not address the fact that our military policy of force is eroding our economic system, and heightening tensions globally. We’re discussing war with countries that just don’t have the military capability to come here. There’s no reason they would do so, such an act would be detrimental to any of these foreign nations. Terrorism is a tactic and it can’t be stopped by spreading our influence across the world, Paul simply believes a strong national defense on our border can more effectively thwart terrorism here in the homeland and save us trillions of dollars.

Robert Wanek.

ron paul loving sucks
I refuse to make any sort of intelligible argument against him anymore because anyone who supports him isn't intelligent.

forget he's here in colorado in 2 days
kill him


Everyone knows that Obama led the raid on Osama. Sheesh.

I got 99 problems but Osama aint one.

everyone knows obama was the one that shot osama geez guys get with the times

I got 99 problems but choosing a political candidate ain't one.

bush made several close attempts to get osama and started the war to find him, so anyone who says that it was 100% obama that got bin laden is handicapped

Romney checks out okay for me, besides supporting "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and opposing gay marriage.

Well tell me how it goes. Ill be hunting up north.