Author Topic: LizzyRascal - I got it all ready  (Read 19068 times)

Thats a myth.

Shes still ultra ugly even without the monobrow. I mean, just imagine the jungle she has hidden under her underwear! And its not even like she can pleasure you with her hands because, well, you know...
I shaved that too, smart ass.

ugh no

You like hair pussies, I presume? Wait, you probably like Tony's starfish more than anything.

I don't understand what's so unattractive about it....It's just hair.

You like hair pussies, I presume? Wait, you probably like Tony's starfish more than anything.

Pics or still hairy

Imagine a smooth curved land with a slippery hole

Now imagine a bumpy land with itching etc

Which sounds better

I don't think that Mrs. Manwhore understands who browses 4chan.

nono zombie....u r gaye, rember?