Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 435244 times)

r□□□□ means "revision □□□□". The numbers do not represent the released update index, but the internal code build (compilation) index.

Question about shadows. Will JVS's bricks cast shadows?

Seeing Phy's verticle Fans cast shadows into a warehouse would look awesome.

All bricks and DTSes should cast shadows. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 02:17:24 PM by kompressor »

Also, regarding all the people who were talking about a "bedroom brick" but then saying that it'd be one single color:
Have you completely forgotten about the default road bricks? The individual quads specified in a BLB file can use their own color.

Question about shadows. Will JVS's bricks cast shadows?

Seeing Phy's verticle Fans cast shadows into a warehouse would look awesome.
This has been answered several times. Yes. All DTS shapes will cast shadows just as they do now.

Wait so with this update we will have a higher brick limit because of less something something?

I don't recall Komp confirming a higher brick limit, but I think he did mention the possibility.

I never thought Blockland could have political cartoons. But hey, now it does.

I will be clearing out the maps section on RTB but I haven't decided what I'll do about add-ons people have already downloaded. Maybe RTB will just rename them to something that won't execute. I haven't really thought about it.
I think Badspot should just stop executing any Map_ add-ons. Any new slates can be Slate_ or Environment_ or something similar.

This has been answered several times. Yes. All DTS shapes will cast shadows just as they do now.

Yes but would it just be a box or would it properly shadow.

I don't even... Assume for convenience that we are not pursuing the most handicapped option possible when we implement this. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 02:19:18 PM by kompressor »

I don't recall Komp confirming a higher brick limit, but I think he did mention the possibility.


I see this as the 4th age of Blockland.

could you possible make it possible for people to enable/disable the flat plain? so you could create floating maps and such?

I think it would be a matter of simply not including it in the map, wouldn't you? Of course placing that first brick would be tricky. -- kompressor

You said something about a coded flat plain so I figured that would automatically be added to every map
« Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 06:58:52 PM by swollow »

I have a suggestion.

Since shadows are client-sided, how about player-emitted shadows on dark maps?

No sun in maps like Destruct = No Shadows. So how about the Player Light casts shadows only in dark maps as a replacement?
Even in dark maps there's a 'sun', that just emits 0 0 0 color light.

Though I'm sure that's probably changing in this update. Don't quote me on that.

could you possible make it possible for people to enable/disable the flat plain? so you could create floating maps and such?

How would you build?