Author Topic: Daemon18553  (Read 8011 times)

Tell me which is trolling. I don't see any trolling.
Look at the pony pictures and the posts in the Super Bowl thread, and tell me that's not trolling. Playing stupid won't help yourself.

NOEDIT: My computer is flipping out, that first post was an accident.

Pony pictures in a pony thread. Football posts in a football thread. Not feeling it.

Pony pictures in a pony thread. Football posts in a football thread. Not feeling it.
You're seriously scraping the barrel to defend yourself. There's a loving Riddler pony picture that you posted, and you're telling me that's not trolling? In the Super Bowl thread, you're acting like you don't know stuff about football just to get a few laughs.


You're stupid.

The ponies I posted were for comedic value. Additionally, I honestly don't know anything about football.

The ponies I posted were for comedic value. And did anyone think it was funny? Additionally, I honestly don't know anything about football. Then don't post.

Just because people think things won't be funny doesn't mean you're trolling by posting them. For example, none of your stuff is funny, but I don't call you a troll.

Just because people think things won't be funny doesn't mean you're trolling by posting them. For example, none of your stuff is funny, but I don't call you a troll.
It's obviously trolling. You just didn't think before you posted, nor thought that a drama would be based off of it. It's clear that I don't troll because I have no sense of humor.

how could badspot ban such a lovey young lad

It's obviously trolling. You just didn't think before you posted, nor thought that a drama would be based off of it. It's clear that I don't troll because I have no sense of humor.

I think very carefully before every post. My brain is working, 24/7. Sleep is for children.

I think very carefully before every post. My brain is working, 24/7. Sleep is for children.
I can't see the difference between a ten year olds posts, and the majority of your posts. You act very immature, better yet stupid.

I think very carefully before every post. My brain is working, 24/7. Sleep is for children.
oi, richardhead, get a brain first

oi, richardhead, get a brain first
He's finally attempting to act intelligent now that he's been called on the spot.

oh yeah, he's colorblind and a friend

If he is colourblind, he cannot play Falling Platforms servers.

If he is colourblind, he cannot play Falling Platforms servers.