Author Topic: ohst ERFKWAKE, minimum of 9 confirmed dead on just one island.  (Read 1736 times)

Just experienced my first earthquake ever, im still forgetring jiggly as stuff. we all ran outside and according to the person we are staying with that is the strongest theyve ever had.
Wonder if Lawtyfawty or whatever felt it too :O
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 03:02:46 AM by Clone v.117 »

MMmmmmmm tasty aftershock, all around me.

MMmmmmmm tasty aftershock, all around me.
i had one. it struck like half my house on my side and i was still asleep through the whole thing XD

Your internet is still up?

it was only a 6.5
try a 7.2 with an epicenter on my house

Oshillies there goes another, crazy hotot chick is losing her stuff and running around screaming.

it was only a 6.5
try a 7.2 with an epicenter on my house
my first erfcake ok

during quaker oats there's normally a few aftershocks

Oshillies there goes another, crazy hotot chick is losing her stuff and running around screaming.

Are you a baby? Why are you talking like that.

"earfcake" Really doe?

I slept through my first earthquake.

i died on my first earthquake