Author Topic: ©2009 Blockland LLC - Change it to 2012  (Read 2217 times)

Oh, I just realized it was you. Sorry there, pal.

Oh, I just realized it was you. Sorry there, pal.
Its okay, I was looking at badspot's registration date (Ever since the forums was started).

It doesn't need to be updated. In fact, it doesn't even need to be put on the site. Putting copyright dates on websites is mostly done out of habit and tradition and has nothing to do with the actual existence of the copyright. Under US law, any piece of work produced by anyone is automatically copyrighted.  The phrase "all rights reserved" is also redundant since all rights are automatically assumed reserved under law unless you specifically forfeit them.

You can update it anytime you want though, I know many games that get new copyrights every single year.

Badspot made the game in 2004.
He baught the copyright in 2009.
A copyright lasts, like, 15 years or so.
Or maybe it's 50 years... I'm not really sure.
Badspot doesn't have to renew the copyright for another 12 years or so.
He doesn't have to renew the copyright every time there's a update.
That would be a complete waste time.
The next time Badspot renews the copyright, it will say 2024 Blockland LLC or something (I don't know how to type the copyright symbol).
If Blockland's even up that long (I hope it is).

Alright then, if it lasts for 15 years then there is no problem in making it say 2012. I didnt ask him to get new copyrights, I asked for 2009 to be changed to 2012. And since they last for 15 years or so then there should not be a problem.

That's not how copyrights work.

Copyrights last for many years after you die. You never have to renew or update them. Technically you don't even need to register them, but registering them makes it considerably easier to defend your copyright if it's challenged.

There is no reason to update it. There isn't even really a reason to have it on the web site or the game, but that's another issue entirely. It's a pretty easy change to make but I know if I was a web designer or programmer I couldn't be bothered to log into the server or release a program update to change it every year.

I never asked for him to update the loving copyrights. You guys didnt read. You guys are saying that copyrights last for 15 years or until or die, so that means he can make it say something like 2009-2012. Meaning he doesnt have to go get copyrights, im simply asking if he can change the text. You guys are saying I dont know how copyrights work because you guys think im asking him to update the copyrights yet Im not. Read correctly or dont post.

2009-2012 means that it expires in 2012, I think
A copyright lasts 50 years, so there's no point if that's there anyway, even if my above statement was wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a copyright lasts a persons lifetime +50 years.

Blockland LLC ©2009 ~ 2069

Copyrights are automatic. You have to apply for a Trademark. It really doesn't matter if you update it or not. Some do, some don't. Still means the same thing. Copyrighted to Blockland LLC. Now and forever.

Edit: Also, because Badspot made Blockland a registered LLC Entity, he is not subject to personal liability for any crap Blockland creates. So if you were to sue him, say for example Blockland broke your monitor. You cannot sue him personally. His personal assets, etc. are NOT at risk. You have to sue the LLC entity, which you are going to have a fun time doing. Fun facts. If you purchased Blockland in 2009, chances are, your 20 dollars to Badspot went to the creation fees of the LLC. This is ~250 dollars depending on your state. Just a fun fact for those who are curious about why there is an LLC on the end of Blockland.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 03:12:02 PM by Jeep »

I never asked for him to update the loving copyrights.
could you make it say ©2012 Blockland LLC instead of 2009?

Copyrights are automatic. You have to apply for a Trademark. It really doesn't matter if you update it or not. Some do, some don't. Still means the same thing. Copyrighted to Blockland LLC. Now and forever.

Edit: Also, because Badspot made Blockland a registered LLC Entity, he is not subject to personal liability for any crap Blockland creates. So if you were to sue him, say for example Blockland broke your monitor. You cannot sue him personally. His personal assets, etc. are NOT at risk. You have to sue the LLC entity, which you are going to have a fun time doing. Fun facts. If you purchased Blockland in 2009, chances are, your 20 dollars to Badspot went to the creation fees of the LLC. This is ~250 dollars depending on your state. Just a fun fact for those who are curious about why there is an LLC on the end of Blockland.

So much stuff just flew over my head. :c