Author Topic: [Open Discussion] Mapping in v21 with Modular Set Pieces  (Read 14553 times)

modular buildings?

Now that, I'm all for.

This is a fantastic idea and I'm really interested in its future.

I like the modular terrain but I'd much rather build my own structures

I've updated the main post with some better formatting and clarified some things. I'd like to take some time to respond to those who have posted in the thread as well.

If badspot doesn't simplify custom bricks, even making simple special bricks like corners or hollow bricks would be a pain in the ass to make.
This is absolutely a valid concern. I haven't really looked into the blb file format much, but making new bricks could definitely be made a lot easier. Hopefully the simplification of the code base will give Badspot and Kompressor some more time to make an official tool to design bricks.

Alternatively, we could organize a community led effort to make an unofficial brick editor. My understanding is that there has been some progress in this field but we are a long way away from having a simple brick editor for general use.

one problem-
What about collision?

If I remember correctly, vehicles tend to pass through large bricks.
A wall made out of 1x2s would stop a vehicle more than a huge 1 brick wall.
Vehicle collision with bricks would certainly need to be improved but it's not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. Many people play with vehicles on bricks all the time. I've done so myself, and really the vehicle glitches only occasionally.

Looks like this might make building harder, if anything.
Would you care to explain how this would make building any more difficult? I would think it would make it easier, since you don't have to fight with arbitrary terrain and interiors that are unaligned to the building grid.

I like the modular terrain but I'd much rather build my own structures
Nobody will stop you from building structures. My intention with structures was to make large scale city DM type maps quick and easy to build and to allow for better performance online. Building your own structures is still possible and will probably look much better.

I'm not a fan of the curved surfaces used in your example images Wedge but the principle seems reasonable. I think the main limitation is that bricks have to be convex shapes.

I'm not a fan of the curved surfaces used in your example images Wedge but the principle seems reasonable. I think the main limitation is that bricks have to be convex shapes.
I don't like the curves much either. I don't think bricks have to be concave, look at the music brick for example.

I'm not a fan of the curved surfaces used in your example images Wedge but the principle seems reasonable. I think the main limitation is that bricks have to be convex shapes.
They don't, due to how you create them by faces, not like how BSP works.  So these bricks would be doable, though they would be a little obnoxious to make with no editor.

I was under the impression that bricks (or at least their collision meshes) had to be convex. Like, you couldn't make a "trapdoor" brick that has a hole through it. Obviously we can have bricks like the L-shape.

Just when you thought terrain looked bad enough...

This is awesome, I can't wait for the update now. At first I figured I would hate the update even though of the shaders and shadows being added, but this; this changed my entire point of view. Nice job Wedge.

Just when you thought terrain looked bad enough...
GSF already said he was working on brick texture ones.

GSF already said he was working on brick texture ones.
I still want to see how these will work out though.

wait a minute- why would we have set pieces for buildings?

that'll totally undermine any reason for new players to build almost anything- why MAKE something when you can just spawn it and save effort