Author Topic: Blockland breaks my keyboard  (Read 2735 times)

      When I play at a server, certain keys on my keyboard break. These key's include the right shift key, and the apostrophe. The apostrophe key always breaks, while the right shift key doesn't always break. The keys work perfectly outside of Blockland, and they also work while loading a server for the first time. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Makes no sense. Elaborate on the word "breaks." Does it mean it doesn't function? Does it mean it doesn't press down? Does it mean it opened into a black hole to your mom? Define.

Sorry about that. What I mean by breaks is that when I press the key, no character shows on the screen.

Sorry about that. What I mean by breaks is that when I press the key, no character shows on the screen.
First are you completely sure theres No already existing problem

Yes. The apostrophe key and right shift key never break outside of Blockland.

It's possible that blockland is not interpreting your keystrokes correctly. but it's highly improbable.

Yes. The apostrophe key and right shift key never break outside of Blockland.
Are you using a US keyboard?

Are you using a US keyboard?
I'm not sure if I am or not, I probably am. My keyboard looks like this.

It's not my actual keyboard, but the layout is the same.

That's probably a US keyboard. Are you in the US or outside the US, like in europe? There are differences in how computers recognize keys, even if the keys are the same.

This has happened to me too.
Sometimes I lose the ability to use backspace, or CTRL N to delete text, which in turn forces me to churn out half-readable sentences on IRC and in-game, plus majorly loving up events.
Only happens in Blockland, nowhere else.

This has happened to me too.
Sometimes I lose the ability to use backspace, or CTRL N to delete text, which in turn forces me to churn out half-readable sentences on IRC and in-game, plus majorly loving up events.
Only happens in Blockland, nowhere else.
Exactly what happens to me, but with different keys.

1 - Open your Start Menu and click on "Control Panel"
2 - (If needed, search for it in the bar at the bottom)
3 - Click on "Classic View" if it is not already selected
4 - Click on "Device Manager" after the list populates
5 - Find "Human Interface Devices" and click the plus sign
6 - Right-click on "Microsoft eHome Infared Transceiver"
7 - Select "Uninstall" - this is completely safe to do

This worked for me when I had this problem on my old PC.

1 - Open your Start Menu and click on "Control Panel"
2 - (If needed, search for it in the bar at the bottom)
3 - Click on "Classic View" if it is not already selected
4 - Click on "Device Manager" after the list populates
5 - Find "Human Interface Devices" and click the plus sign
6 - Right-click on "Microsoft eHome Infared Transceiver"
7 - Select "Uninstall" - this is completely safe to do

This worked for me when I had this problem on my old PC.

This didn't help. It may be because it reinstalls itself when I restart the computer.

When I had this problem it was a physical device that I could simply unplug to sort the problem, if you have anything like an infra-red remote control for like media and stuff.... it might be that