Author Topic: My RTB (IRC) won't work!  (Read 756 times)

Ok my IRC chat for RTB isn't connecting adn apperently its happening to mutipul people if not all people. is there anything we can do or do i just wait for Ephi to fix it?

Try posting in the RTB forums
I foyu haven't noticed e rtb forums isn't for powting problems :I

There are no RTB forums.

My rtb irc works, but i can't connect to the in-game downloader.
yeah, there is.

Actually, RTB does not have a forum, but more of a download system.

  The actual forum on RTB had general discussion, helpdesk, etc.  It was deleted along with the RTB Wiki.

     Do a little research before you know what your talking about.

is the RTB chat actually still IRC?
it doesn't really act like an IRC client anymore, and it doesn't mention anything about connecting to the IRC server iirc
anyway, who all is it affecting? you're not really being specific by saying "most or all" people
is it everyone?
is it even really most?

is the RTB chat actually still IRC?

It now uses a custom-written XML-based protocol which has some similarities to IRC and slightly to Jabber.

when did your IRC stop working, because everyone's accessibility to it was down for some time on I think Sunday.