Author Topic: notch lover spamming on rtb  (Read 3526 times)

Notch from those Minecraft videos...?

Every one on this topic is posting stuff that hasn't got to do with it! Can people actually post stuff that has to do with it or I will lock this...

today i was on rtb and this guy named notch lover started spamming. he annoyed alot of people. when he was spamming we told him to shut up but he didnt he spammed more and called us bitches and saying to us "forget YOU!" block bot wasnt there only Ephialtes was there but notch lover wasnt kicked. we then spamed back to him (witch made me look like a idiot) but lego rex said not to spam. lego rex said to troll back to this guy and yogi spamed so i copyd yogi. but notch lover was being a pain in the ass and we couldnt stop him. but i didnt take pictures so i have not much proff!
He admitted to trolling  :cookieMonster:

Notch from those Minecraft videos...?
notch MADE minecraft

and I was there to witness it I am Yogi! :D

NOEDIT: we were telling him to stop spamming, he wont stop so I called him a bitch lover then he said I was a bitch which means he's gay.

Notch Lover=Bitch Lover Calls Me Bitch=Gay

NOEDIT: we were telling him to stop spamming, he wont stop so I called him a bitch lover then he said I was a bitch which means he's gay.

Notch Lover=Bitch Lover Calls Me Bitch=Gay
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