Author Topic: I made my first bong today NOW A DEBATE ON POT  (Read 17813 times)

haha hypocrisy

"go insult someone who drinks alcohol but DONT INSULT POTHEADS"

You didn't get the point. He is saying this on Marijuana threads but he isn't saying it on the threads about people drink.

People drink for the same reasons as people smoke "to use chemicals to feel happy" so why doesn't he speak out against that instead of exclusively Marijuana threads. I'm not ASKING him to but pointing it out..

I guess it just went over your head

I guess it just went over your head
hey that's funny so you want him to post it on the "i'm drunk" threads when you JUST said
Kind of like talking down to people because of their person life choices because they aren't the same as yours?

hey that's funny so you want him to post it on the "i'm drunk" threads when you JUST said

I don't want him to do it you moron, just asking why he didn't talk down on every one who makes a drug thread

If you still don't get it, then just don't bother replying

guys what the forget how is this still alive lol

Pretty loving low and weak, eh?
Kind of like talking down to people because of their person life choices because they aren't the same as yours? Even going as far as to call them a problem, goddamn you are one very ignorant pretentious forget.
They are a problem. They're impairing their judgement, acting like huge richards, and not giving a forget because the moment they feel pressured they can just 'light up' and continue to be a useless pile and not give a forget.
Seriously shut the forget up and go away
You're not an admin. You don't make the rules here.
I don't mind if someone doesn't agree with drug use. When they go as far as to insult people for their own personal choices, that's something I can't stand by and watch.
There's a huge line between 'personal choices' such as preferring to wear red which is completely harmless, and taking in chemicals to 'feel funny' and like I said above, act like a gigantic douchebag.
You tool, why don't you post this stuff on the "I'm sooooo drunkool kids klubk" threads?
Because I didn't see them. Kinda contradicts what you said above though. I should get the forget out if I say these kinds of things but then ask why I don't post it even more?

I didn't even want to dignify you with a response but I don't have anything else to do right now.

I smoked because I was watching the Walking Dead with friends. It was a novel experience and I enjoyed it. I do not have any intents on doing it again because: a) I don't see the point, b) I fear damage to my lungs, and c) I don't want THC in my body in case I have to do drugtests in the near future.

This was my third time smoking.
Wait wait wait...
You did it... but you didn't see a point in it..? And then you also did it 3 times while still not seeing a point?
Hell you're even concerned for your health, seen no point, and still did it 3 times. You have some messed up priorities.

I opted into it. Am I pretty loving low and weak, or did I simply try to have a good time?
So you saw no point... but then you seen that you did it to have a good time? (which by the way, is possible without being high)
What about the girl I was smoking with? She has massive anxiety issues that pot helps with. Is she subhuman, low and weak, or just self-medicating?
She's taking the drug to resolve a medical issue. My post was clearly directed at the people who use it without medical reasons. With this level of ignorance I can't wait to see the rest of the post.

When I get tired, I take melatonin -- which is found naturally in the brain to trigger sleepiness.
The more you do this, the more you're going to need it. But I guess if you can't fall asleep you can't help it. However, this is completely unrelated to the subject considering it's for medical reasons.
When she gets really super anxious, she takes a hit. Maybe not the best of coping mechanisms, but I don't think Melatonin makes me low and weak because I suck down caffeine throughout the day to help stay focused and as a result have trouble going to bed.
Continuing to justify other things which I never judged...

I'm sorry, but you not smoking does not make you an angel. It does not make you special. You are not better than anyone that does smoke. You are just another person with different interests and view points. There's no use getting upset because other people enjoy themselves in different ways than you do.
Yeah, I know I'm not an angel. I know I'm not special. Thank you for reminding me. I'm only trying to indirectly say that these people who 'enjoy other things' are a potential harm to the people around them, and perhaps, and indirect problem to many future factors.

Thank you for your time. I had a good laugh, without taking in chemicals.

Anyone who needs to smoke or drink is sad


I don't give a stuff about what the government says about it.
I don't give a stuff if you think it's 'not bad for you'.

That is not the issue.

The issue is you, as the drug user.

You're resorting to inhaling chemicals (NOT SAYING DANGEROUS OR UNHEALTHY) in order to make yourself happy.

Pretty loving low and weak.

Pain relivers, you take them to relieve your pain, making you happy.
Antidepressants, you take them to feel happy.
Sleeping pills, you take them to fall asleep, and feel happy because you can fall asleep.

I guess people with chronic pain, depression, or insomnia are all low and weak because they take medicine.

Anyone who needs to smoke or drink is sad

I will now never drink anything at all to avoid being sad.

Thank you for your time. I had a good laugh, without taking in chemicals.
What point are you trying to make? There's no harm being done. You're simply insulting people that choose to indulge. I also occasionally drink. It's a novel feeling. It's fun.

It's like anything else. I work out to feel good, and I do that every day. I eat because it feels good to eat. And when the moment arises, sometimes it's fun to smoke and drink.

There's no point in using it habitually, but there is a reason to do it every so often.

To Chrono

"acting like a huge richard, like a giant douche bag"

Pretty good description of you right now.

It's still a personal choice if someone choses to smoke weed, why should you even care what they do in their spare time? I never said im making rules but it's common sense, why enter a thread about a topic you don't like just to bitch about it? Maybe it's better they don't give a forget at all (nice stereotype by the way) rather than act like you, at least then they aren't tools who care too much about other peoples lifestyle choices

It must be easy you saying you didn't want to dignifying me with a response,
but maybe you should stay true to your word and shut the forget up

Anyone who needs to smoke or drink is sad
>implying i "need" to

there's a huge difference between choosing to do so because you WANT to, as opposed to do something because its the only way you can feel happy.

>implying i "need" to

there's a huge difference between choosing to do so because you WANT to, as opposed to do something because its the only way you can feel happy.
I wasnt referring to anyone so Im assuming guilty conscience.

I wasnt referring to anyone so Im assuming guilty conscience.
>implying they "need" to

there's a huge difference between choosing to do so because you WANT to, as opposed to do something because its the only way you can feel happy.

What arent you understanding?

I wasnt referring to anyone so Im assuming guilty conscience.

It seems as if you were referring to "anyone" who drinks or smokes.

What arent you understanding?
i understand it completely

you should know that there are people who don't need to smoke or drink, but choose to because they like to.

figured you were too ignorant to realize that yourself.