Author Topic: PETA: "Being Vegan Increases Domestic Violence"  (Read 1650 times)

Why would vegans forget better is there any science to it or is it just a joke? Seems like it would be the opposite.
There is no science towards it at all.
A Vegan is neither likely to be better or worse in bed than a non-vegan.

If they're the sort of vegan who gets sickly because the cut out almost all of their diet bar veggies and have to live off of supplement vitamins, then they're probably not going to be good in bed.

I know I'd knock a woman upside the head if I sent her grocery shopping and all she brought home was loving rabbit food.

I know I'd knock a woman upside the head if I sent her grocery shopping and all she brought home was loving rabbit food.
Mind you, if I was sent out with just underwear and a coat on, I'd be too embarassed to go further into the shop than the vegetable aisle. :z

Lol wat.

Being vegan is wrong and eating meat is wrong? Do we all just starve or something?

That pic should've been in the OP.

Why would vegans forget better is there any science to it or is it just a joke? Seems like it would be the opposite.
yeah, they ain't got no protein, carbs man
how they gonna forget

Spinach and beans are extremely high in protein. Both are very easy to fit onto a diet.

I put the leafy greens on all of my sandwiches.

Spinach and beans are extremely high in protein. Both are very easy to fit onto a diet.
okay, protein isn't for energy anyway
what about carbohydrates
almost all vegan acceptable food is specifically advertised for being low in carbs and calories

That's cool. I like knowing that these animals die and then are totally and 100% used up.

So what if I get like 30 boners a day and am eating tons of meat? If I switch to vegan am I going to be stuck with a permaboner?

So what if I get like 30 boners a day and am eating tons of meat? If I switch to vegan am I going to be stuck with a permaboner?


How is peta still running?!?!?!? WITH THEIR SEA KITTENS?

Vegetarian here, and PETA loving sucks, nothing good has ever come from them. They give people like me a bad name :c