Author Topic: Terrorist Pack.  (Read 6699 times)

As some of you may know. I have been making a terrorist pack. I need extra stuff to add into it as i've ran out of ideas. Please no weapons.

Stuff i have made:

/terrorist - If you type /terrorist Blockhead it'll make Blockhead a terrorist. Only terrorists can use the terrorist stuff. Sadmin Skill only.

/deterrorist - If you type /deterrorist Blockhead it'll removed Blockheads terrorist powers. Sadmin skill only.

/explode - If your in the drivers seat of a vehicle and your a terrorist typing /explode will casue your vehicle to become a flaming wreckage then after a few seconds the vehicle will explode. Terrorist Skill only.

/kidnap - Look at a person. Type /kidnap and the persons is put on your back. You can run anywhere and they with you and cant do anything to prevent you from doing so. Type /kidnap again to drop the person. Terrorist skill only.

/hijack - If your in a vehilce it will kick the driver out of the vehicle leaving the drivers seat open for anyone to take. Terrorist Skill only.

This is where i need your help. I'm fresh out of ideas. Please post ideas. Please no weapons.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 11:27:27 AM by MrPickel »

*Please note* Kidnap only works when aiming at the victim's pants/skirt.

Rofl. TheCannon now has an excuse !

Yes kidnap. Should i allow suicidd while your kidnapped.

Nopls. Make it when your being kidnapped you can run away faster (+%5 or something)

Thats me assuming the kidnap takes time to execute.

Here is my suggestion:
While the terrorist is running with the victim, he has to get to a certain point.
So, make a wand, that when hits a brick, it sets it as a jail.
The terrorist has to bring that person into jail, if they are in jail, only a counter terrorist can free them, by coming up to them and hitting them with his wand.
If the terrorist is running with a victim, the counter terrorist can shoot him, and the victim drops where the terrorist died.
The counter terrorists win if..... I haven't thought of that yet.
The terrorist win if they manage to take everyone hostage, excluding the counter terrorists, and keep them in jail for more than 1 minute.
Which is the time given for the counter terrorists to abort the victory final countdown.  :cookieMonster:

Terrorists have sneaking skill :-D Concentrate (build mana?) and then unleash- 25% speed increase and invisability for a short time.

Have a super-religious-extremist attack.

Basically make him throw a huge bible/quran/holy scripture that detonates on impact. Also, make it display a server message when it does impact so everyone knows about it and can pretend to care...just like the world news.

you also need to make a "Demands GUI". Basically allows terrorists to type in a list of demands that they can send to another player. That way you can ransom off the players u have as hostages.

Have a "Hijack" ability, where no matter what the vehicle is, you can Hi-jack it, and idk... Self Delete bomb something?

Wow good suggestions. Ill try to make most of them. Spat asked me to make Hi-jacking i couldnt think of a way. I think i've worked out way.

I don't feel like reading, so this might be suggested already: Make it so that if kidnapped, the only other way to get down other than being put down, is if the terrorist holding you gets shot, then your run increases 10 % until you are in a safe type zone.

You do get unmounted if the terrorist dies xD.