Author Topic: Assassin's Creed III - Update on Page 10  (Read 5589 times)

Those who worry that Connor will not have a hidden blade forget three things:
-They said he would.
-Ubisoft would not be so stupid as to remove the iconic hidden blade from the series.
-It's called a hidden blade for a reason.

sounds like the voice actor for the new assassin is Bill Rogers.
commonly known for this guy

sounds like the voice actor for the new assassin is Bill Rogers.
commonly known for this guy

Hell yes.

Bump, I will update this soon. Probably not this weekend because I have mid-term things to do

so i take it the hidden blade is gone now?

ah shoot Ive been so busy I forgot to update

so i take it the hidden blade is gone now?

so i take it the hidden blade is gone now?
Ask question when first pictures are released
Question is repeated every page for the next 200,000 years.

Ask question when first pictures are released
Question is repeated every page for the next 200,000 years.
come into topic before others
assume people are going to search every one of the 100 something posts
be an starfish

Gosh I don't even think the hidden blade was so cool.

also that game informer isnt anything new, its just the covers for that one. one of them was mass effect 3

Gosh I don't even think the hidden blade was so cool.
it's the iconic weapon!