Author Topic: Assassin's Creed III - Update on Page 10  (Read 5652 times)

The next new addition to Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Series has finally been confirmed. CEO Yves Guillemot said the game will be released October 30th. Apparently this game has been in development for 3 years now and it will finish Desmond's story with the 2012 plot.

-Update on Page 10-
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 08:04:21 PM by SlayerZ99 »

I am curious as to who we will play as though in his memories.

I'm pretty sure they're not continuing on with Ezio, and I'd like a new character.
But if it's the final game it would have to be a character who would really fulfill it and match up to Altair and Ezio.
But without making me go through 3 games in order to fully understand them.

And I would be upset if the large majority of the game is based around playing physically as Desmond.
Not to say I don't like Desmond, but he is hardly a proper assassin.

And wherever we find ourselves in this game, I hope it's not having us trapped to one single city.
I really liked moving between places in Assassins Creed I and II, but Brotherhood and Revelations were a little bit annoying for me for being trapped in just Rome and Constantinopole.

I'd like it to be set in France or Britain.
And perhaps a little bit more modern-ey, but not so much so that it's far out of medieval/rennaisance, if that makes sense. I would like a little bit more of an industrial push to it, but I don't want absolutely everyone to have guns and things. I don't know. I'm just interested in a little bit of spicing up to it.

holy stuff

jacking horse drawn carriages would be BAWS

3 years? Holy stuff.

I really enjoyed how you could exit the animus during night in brotherhood, I hope they do it in AC3.

Also I hope they do a assassins creed 4 or something. And make it some ancestor of Desmond reliving desmonds past or something.

Also I hope they do a assassins creed 4 or something. And make it some ancestor of Desmond reliving desmonds past or something.
In before this is actually what AC3 will be.

Looking at the "unknown" DLC for Assassin's Creed Revelations, it seems like it will continue Desmond's story. Even though they said Revelations was supposed to be "the answers" at the end you just see Desmond, I believe going to a temple or sanctuary of the first people saying "I know what I have to do". (Is that right?)
Some of the achievements include

Part of the Creed
Take the induction leap of faith

Jump they say
Reach the Animus memo

Enter the Animus
Enter the Animus simulation

Meet your maker
Finish memory five

Find all Pieces
Find all decipher fragments

Impress Warren Vidic
Complete the Animus testing sequence without failing

October 30th is my birthday :D


Do you guys plan on getting this?

What time period do you hope this will be?

What do you want to see removed from the previous series?


Do you guys plan on getting this?

What time period do you hope this will be?

What do you want to see removed from the previous series?
I'll get it.
It'd be pointless getting 4 out of 5 of the series and not finishing it off.

I'm hoping it's slightly more towards our time, but not drastically so.
Revelations was set in 1511, so I wouldn't mind seeing it come forward by a bit. A couple hundred years, say?
Personally, I would like the idea of a game set in the 1700's with the French Revolution sounding quite cool to me.

I'd personally prefer if the game was still based in Europe particularly and around the Mediterranean.

And I really disliked the tower-defence style minigame from Revelations.
Partially because I got stuck on one of them, but also because I felt that it just didn't feel... right, to me.
And then since I couldn't do it, I couldn't complete my last Assassin's Guild Challenge. >:C

I definetly going to get this game.

I honestly hope they keep most of the gameplay around 1500 A.D. Just because I loved knights and castles, stuff like that. Medieval stuff.

Tower defense really didn't bother me that much. I never ever got attack once on accident. The only time I did was to get the guild done.

Black market guys need to go

Jannisaries (jeez)

Bomb making was alright

I didnt care for the Mediterrainan defense stuff

Assassin's Creed is way to easy
They really need to amp up the difficulty
I never use my Assassin's because I dont need too

They need more weapons and such also

and definitely more cities (Only Constantinople and Underworld, really?)

I definetly going to get this game.

1) I honestly hope they keep most of the gameplay around 1500 A.D. Just because I loved knights and castles, stuff like that. Medieval stuff.

2) Black market guys need to go

3) Jannisaries (jeez)

4) I didnt care for the Mediterrainan defense stuff

5) They need more weapons and such also

6) and definitely more cities (Only Constantinople and Underworld, really?)

1) I personally like the medieval theme to it, but I would like more. But I don't want the game to revolve entirely around gun slinging. It's difficult to find a time that would have an interesting mix of weaponry aswell as be historically interesting. I mainly like the idea of the French Revolution because I like the idea of free-roaming around Paris and other cities. (Although I did this in The Saboteur)

2) The Black Market guys I agree on. They offered nothing of use in Revelations.

3) I didn't mind the idea of the Janissaries too much, but they were bloody annoying. I like an enemy who is a bit of a challenge, which is why I liked the very large bulky guys, but the Janissaries were too much and too often. Once every single guard unit has one it becomes impossible to do things like the Mercernaries Guild Challenge of getting a 5x Kill Combo on 10 occassions. Because Janissaries can't be combo-killed, only whittled down by repetetive attacks.
They obviously wouldn't be Janissaries in ACIII unless it's set in the same time period in Constantinopole, but I would like a harder opponent, but one who isn't there constantly all the time.

4) Mediterannean Defense was a sort of interesting meta-game, but at the same time, I only ever did it if I happened to see a carrier pigeon nest, in which case I'd have a fancy for it. I didn't care for taking over the entire map or keeping them in control. I wouldn't mind seeing it back, but I would be sad to see it go.
Unfortunately, it's kind of crucial to your Assassin's thing, because otherwise, if you don't use your Assassin's ever, then you've got nothing to do with them.

5) They need more weapons and more armours. And not perfect ones that I can get at the beginning of the game or what have you! In Revelations I seemed to have gotten a perfect armour set from collecting either all of the letters or going to all of the book locations. And I had done that prior to even buying all of the Tier-2 armours.
And the same thing happened with weapons.
I personally just like to stick to heavy weapons now, just because they have cooler kill-combos and actions and I love just throwing a giant halberd into a persons face.

6) More cities that you personally travel to. Assassin's Creed I was great for letting me go to Acer, Jerusalem and Damascus. I loved that. The inbetween riding wasn't always fun and I couldn't be compelled to hunt down all the flags and Templars inbetween the lands, but I enjoyed having new playing grounds throughout the game. And in ACII, I loved going to however many cities you do actually go to. I can't even remember, but I just love how I wasn't restricted and I kept getting new places with new challenges and new scenery and forms of buildings to climb and get around.
AC:Brotherhood was absolutely pissingly annoying. I've come to love it since for it's other charms, but being stranded in Rome? That is just so boring. It might be reasonably large, but that doesn't mean I don't end up finding myself in the same place again and again and again.
It's just not fun after a long time in what is a fairly small area.
And Constantinopole somehow managed to seem larger. Or maybe I just wasn't quite as good at picking out the landmarks of the area, but it was equally frustrating with not having lots of new things to see.

If there aren't more cities to travel to (Whether fast-travelling or actually riding there yourself) I will be rather upset on that front with ACIII.