Author Topic: Some girl issues.  (Read 2778 times)

I've kinda had this thing with a girl we'll call A. We started talking after we hung out together one night with a bunch of other people. We were in the same class, so simple talking was kind of inevitable. I've always thought she was really cute but eventually our friendship got to the point where I felt I had to admit it... and the weird thing is she admitted she likes me too. It was kind of a problem, since she had a boyfriend, who was one of the people we hung out with that night.

She never seemed happy with him, and from my point of view, if he was worth it, her and I would have never had anything like we do. She never seemed to just be satisfied with the relationship, she herself said it wasn't healthy, and everybody I've talked to about it says pretty much the same thing. Something just isn't working. But he was her first boyfriend she ever had, and it lasted for a year and change. She really loved him.

Thing is, she just broke up with him last night. It was bound to happen, I guess, but now she feels like she really regrets it... she feels like she made a mistake and I don't know what I can do to make her feel like what she did was a good thing. She texted me after we hung out with others and said some things like she was miserable without him and I'm just not him, etc etc. It's the truth, I guess, but I don't know how to convince her of otherwise... I don't know what to do, whether to give her space or what...

I've never felt the way I do about A with any other girl. She means a lot to me in every way you can imagine. I've never had a girlfriend or anything like this with a girl, I guess I could just use some guidance...

Also I think it's worth noting that her boyfriend knew what was going on the whole time... she told him all we did (and even caught me dropping her off at her house one night). She's just a great girl, I just don't know how to convince her she is and she deserves better than what she had.

Serious responses would be appreciated...

She'll need some time to get over it.  If it was any relationship, it'll take time to get over.

Don't become her shoulder to cry on though.

Stick it in her pooper.

Ok, had to do it.

Anyway, I'd suggest that you do give her space because she just got out of a relationship, but don't be afraid to try and keep her single. Tell her that even if you don't have an in, if she truly is better off without him, it doesn't matter if you get it, so long as she's happy.

Tell her that and she might swoon in your direction.

Take her out some where, like a park or forest.
sit next to her and say whats the matter etc etc.

it's best to do these things in forests since the ambience of the birds and such will keep her calmer

Stick it in her pooper! <-- this

She'll need some time to get over it.  If it was any relationship, it'll take time to get over.

Don't become her shoulder to cry on though.

I know she will, but I just really fear her going back to him.

Anyway, I'd suggest that you do give her space because she just got out of a relationship, but don't be afraid to try and keep her single. Tell her that even if you don't have an in, if she truly is better off without him, it doesn't matter if you get it, so long as she's happy.

I tried to tell her something similar - there was a reason it ended, there's better for her, and that doesn't necessarily mean me.

Take her out some where, like a park or forest.
sit next to her and say whats the matter etc etc.

it's best to do these things in forests since the ambience of the birds and such will keep her calmer

We don't really have forests around here. And it's pretty evident what's wrong.

You're 16.

You aren't mentally developed enough to feel love.

You're 16.

You aren't mentally developed enough to feel love.

I could rant on this but I'm gonna pass.


Oh pah, that's a lie and he knows it.

Your brain creates chemicals and they do not work like wine.

If you feel something, it is just as real when you're 10 as it is when you're 100.

Take her out some where, like a park or forest.
sit next to her and say whats the matter etc etc.

it's best to do these things in forests since the ambience of the birds and such will keep her calmer
wroooong.  Maybe if you want to be the shoulder to cry on and be friendzoned.

You're 16.

You aren't mentally developed enough to feel love.
You're N/A.

You aren't mentally developed enough to exist.

wroooong.  Maybe if you want to be the shoulder to cry on and be friendzoned.

I don't think me being friendzoned is even an option at this point... I'm just gonna say I left out some details. Being friendzoned isn't much of a concern to me within reason.

You're N/A.

You aren't mentally developed enough to exist.

Assuming she's the same age as you, she'll get over it eventually. Seems like she is being overly dramatic about it.

Also I'm a junior in high school, there's kids in my class that are 18. Really, age is hardly relevant.

Assuming she's the same age as you, she'll get over it eventually. Seems like she is being overly dramatic about it.

She's 17. I hope she will, but what to do in the meantime... I don't think she is, if I broke up from my first relationship and it lasted that long, it'd be tough.