Author Topic: TorqueOS  (Read 3447 times)

TorqueOS is a little mod I started arround April, of 2011.
I made a bunch of versions, using different graphic styles untill now, finially after 5 versions I have created, I am satasfied how it looks,
About the mod
TorqueOS is a mod that makes blockland simple, coming with a Screen Shot Viewer, Colorset Maker, TorqueTablet, and more applications
Just reply with the questions you wish to be answered
Here are some questions I expect being asked, and I will go ahead and answer it.

Q: Isn't this just a clone of BlockOS?
A: No, I have planned this since April of 2011 (Guessing, because I auctually probably started sooner)?

Q: Seems cool, may I beta test?
A: I might offer beta testers, but I am not certain.

Q: Where are the pictures?
A: I currently can't take any pictures, cause I currently don't have internet on my computer, but expect pictures soon.

Part 2
ChocoboPah/Pah1023 - Creator, Founder, GUI's, Graphics
! - Working On, # - Planned, * - Done
Desktop - 80% ! (Decided, to allow multiple Applications to run, so I am gonna have to make it add the applications to the desktop, instead of pushing it to the canvas)
Graphics (So Far) - 100% *
TorqueTablet - 30% !
Screen Shot Viewer - 60% ! (Graphics not done/Made for previous version)
ColorSet Maker - 75% ! (Some bugs here and there)
Main Menu Commands - 100% * (Just something that will allow you to use the main menu commands)
BlockOS Support - 100% * (BlockOS Swap menu, and B Menu Cmd (A little B in the main menu))
RTB Support - 0% # (An application that will appear, if you have RTB)
Internet Features
Update - 10% # (Update, with out the risk of losing content)
bIRC - 0% # (A little IRC Client)
bMail - 0% # (Blockland Mail, send messages to other blocklanders (Who Have TorqueOS)).

(Why Second Post? PS3 has a limit on text).
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 03:40:56 PM by Pah1023 »

Why TorqueOS and not something else?

Torque is based around many things.

Sounds kinda cool, but there should be more features..

Why TorqueOS and not something else?

Torque is based around many things.
I was planned originaly for BlockOS (Believe it or not), But since someone already used that name, I decided TorqueOS.
Sounds kinda cool, but there should be more features..
Well, theres auctually alot of features, like a help viewer, Screen shot taker (even counts down), Themes (You can create your own themes inside a client add-on, comes with 3 [4 if I decide for beta]), and will also include a Return To Blockland application (Just pops up the RTB Overlay), and a simple Application function, to create your own application, that way, many client sided add-ons can make applications for special things.


will this also take up the main menu
because we are going to have to do something
if it does
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 08:55:43 PM by Brian Smithers »

>OS for BL made
>topic gets somewhat popular
>i gotta get some of that popularity
>start a thread saying I have an OS too
>say I've been working on it for a year to not be called a copycat
>who cares if I don't have anything to show for a years work

>OS for BL made
>topic gets somewhat popular
>i gotta get some of that popularity
>start a thread saying I have an OS too
>say I've been working on it for a year to not be called a copycat
>who cares if I don't have anything to show for a years work
>this is

Didn't he make a topic like this a long time ago?

>OS for BL made
>topic gets somewhat popular
>i gotta get some of that popularity
>start a thread saying I have an OS too
>say I've been working on it for a year to not be called a copycat
>who cares if I don't have anything to show for a years work
If I can figure out a way to post pictures from my PS3, I will, and including dates of file creation/modifcation.
Thats C-Mod, which I abondened, for another version/name which I am not gonna plan on working till I move/Get internet working on my computer.
-Snip Long Quote, Stupid PS3-
I've been back, just hardly post.

Mod, which I abondened, for another version/name which I am not gonna plan on working till I move/Get internet
you should include the colourset maker thing in this

cause I currently don't have internet on my computer,

Get internet working on my computer.


Why are people unable to understand this, it's not hard. He doesn't have Internet on his computer. He's using some sort of mobile device to chat on the forums.