Author Topic: The Lincoln (Traditional) 22%  (Read 2644 times)

This is a new house i just started building, Named The Lincoln (Traditional)
Here is the site with the house.

Built By: FaTAle

Looks pretty good. Window design is simplistic but good. Not too much ornamentation, looks legit as a real house.

However, Entrance overhead can use redesigning, sticks out too much. You also might want to shrink down some windows, I doubt many really want outsiders to see everything that's going on inside (if you're going for realism)

8.5/10 so far. Interior pics please?

Looks really good, I like how you used a comination of slanted bricks and normal ones to make the hatches 'stand out' a bit.

can we rate?

Looks really good, I like how you used a comination of slanted bricks and normal ones to make the hatches 'stand out' a bit.

Conan, I'm working on Interior, and Yes you may rate the house. Also, the rest of my houses will be available on my Youtube channel That's coming SOON! More information will be available on my clan page, The Blockland Instinct :D

Take with PNG or fix your compression rate.

Nice house, BTW I'm loling because you copied my window frames, glad to see someone took the time to do that.

Looks really good, I like how you used a comination of slanted bricks and normal ones to make the hatches 'stand out' a bit.

Cool, Ive done those Windows frames before i even met you + everyone does that. So it wasn't you who started them, just FYI...

Cool, Ive done those Windows frames before i even met you + everyone does that. So it wasn't you who started them, just FYI...

Meant the shudders, hadn't seen any like them before.

i actually really like this, though i agree with conan that the windows could be made a bit smaller.