Author Topic: Blockland Skype/steam Chat  (Read 4943 times)

i added like 7 of you and no one is responding
jellyfish u ther?
no one is home srry

I'ma bump 4 memb3rs. For the lulz.

My Skype is Dnitro, my steam is in my profile.

My Skype is Kenko.

steam: robo_noob
skype: robonoob
p much everything: robonoob/robo_noob/robonoob64

don't add me if i don't know you

Skype - Max4344
Steam - Max4344

Heh, i'm probably not allowed to do this twice in a row, but Bump, and Bamp.

Skype name is aludane

Steam - DJ MyNameIsMisterTriscuit (zZGz)
Skype - mc77iscool