How can facts be colored by the personalities of the people who present them?

^ A prompt I have to write half a page for.
What would you guys say?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 11:43:17 PM by Daedalus »

what does that even mean

I know what those are, but the forget does that mean?

Uh, I guess inverted or edited company or product logos?
i donno lol

Lobos is the greatest.
What sounds more intelligent?
A). Blockland is good

B). In a recent study, Blockland scored 70% higher than all other block-based games in terms of niceness.

The reason none of us can understand this is because we're not in your class.

It's obviously related to what you've just learned in class and we weren't there.

Well, if they seem to not affect the audience, then they are not effective.  If it never sways their opinion, then they are plain Stoic.  Target the audience and appeal to them in the most effective way possible.  Btw what's the topic?

Ethos are elements in persuasion that deal with emotion. "buy this product and you'll be happier!"
Pathos are elements that deal with pity or compassion. "buy this product and we save puppies!"
Logos are elements that have a logical appeal. "buy this product and you'll make more money!"

Well, if they seem to not affect the audience, then they are not effective.  If it never sways their opinion, then they are plain Stoic.  Target the audience and appeal to them in the most effective way possible.  Btw what's the topic?
Writing prompts for English. They all relate to 12 Angry Men.

Writing prompts for English. They all relate to 12 Angry Men.
Well hm.  I am not familiar with this book.  My best guess is Ethos and Pathos.

Well hm.  I am not familiar with this book.  My best guess is Ethos and Pathos.
I just need help with the first question really.

define twisted...? besides that, everything else seems straightforward. some people are more stubborn than the earth, yep. third seems like a personal question, personally logos tends to hit me harder.
i hope you know what a complete sentence is.

Can ethos, pathos, and logos be twisted?
Is this from a debate point of view?  It seems like it would be a flaw in the plot that would cause this.

Is it possible that all of these techniques could never sway an individual to change their mind?
If one is either persuaded with an opposing side of appeals.  Either this or they are desensitized or stoic.

Which persuasive technique has the greatest impact when it comes to changing your mind?
This is a personal question asked of you.  I.E. which persuades you most.
define twisted...?

define twisted...? besides that, everything else seems straightforward. some people are more stubborn than the earth, yep. third seems like a personal question, personally logos tends to hit me harder.
i hope you know what a complete sentence is.
idk what she means by twisted
I just need help with the first question really.

tell your teacher that not even the world's greatest english teacher can figure out what the richard they mean by "twisted." misused maybe? "use it for evil woah-ho."

Is it possible that all of these techniques could never sway an individual to change their mind?
it depends on the individual