Author Topic: Hosting a LAN party at my house. What do I need to make sure I have?  (Read 5919 times)

I'm going to be completely honest here.
I hid the root beer in the fridge and had the entire thing in one day.
Not my healthiest choice.
The sound of the toilet flushing was stuck in my head.

>implying drinking root beer isn't at other parties
other people enjoy soft drinks too.
yeah, but it was a stereotype joke. Stereotypically, highschool parties have booze. Stereotypically, nerds don't drink booze.

He's 13 though, so it kinda missed him. I didn't really look at his age.

Well aren't you the edgiest square around then. Look at you, drinking the same crap as the grown-ups.
this post
this post is heroic
yeah, but it was a stereotype joke. Stereotypically, highschool parties have booze. Stereotypically, nerds don't drink booze.
stereotypically, dumb highschoolers get drunk and forget themselves up. not highschoolers in general.

Well aren't you the edgiest square around then. Look at you, drinking the same crap as the grown-ups.
Didn't say I drink it. I personally hate the taste of alcohol. It tastes like what I imagine smegma would taste like.

stereotypically, dumb highschoolers get drunk and forget themselves up. not highschoolers in general.
Nah. The stereotype is that at highschool parties there is booze. True, people think of dumb kids when they think of drinking at those parties, but the parties themselves are assumed to have booze because that's the stereotype.

Side-note: [3:02:16 AM] Paul Ragone: i wonder if everyone in that thread knows how much of a virgin they are

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 04:42:18 AM by Badspot »

The root beer wasn't my decision anyways.
I just love it and my mom came home with it one day I was like
He's 13 though,
You forgot to end that with "sadly."

slick is simply too cool for the internet

Didn't say I drink it. I personally hate the taste of alcohol. It tastes like what I imagine smegma would taste like.
Nah. The stereotype is that at highschool parties there is booze. True, people think of dumb kids when they think of drinking at those parties, but the parties themselves are assumed to have booze because that's the stereotype.

Side-note: [3:02:16 AM] Paul Ragone: i wonder if everyone in that thread knows how much of a virgin they are

Oh, I love the taste of certain types of alcohol. Just not in excess.
And yeah, but there's been a drop in that stereotype :o
Who's Paul Ragone, anyway? It's not like I couldn't lose my virginity, I just don't give enough forgets at 14 years old.

slick is simply too cool for the internet
Nope. Not at all. I'm a scripter and a programmer, and I play with internet legos. I simply don't let that shine through to my real life. Not because I'm not proud of it, but because the type of people that draws aren't the type of people I like to hang out with.

Who's Paul Ragone, anyway? It's not like I couldn't lose my virginity, I just don't give enough forgets at 14 years old.
Paul Ragone is Robo Noob. and no, I'm not posting for a banned member. He didn't tell me to post that

Also, if you don't have enough of a libido to have love at 14 then you probably have a testosterone problem. Not even meaning this in a bad way. 100% serious.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 03:08:33 AM by Slicksilver »

Nope. Not at all. I'm a scripter and a programmer, and I play with internet legos. I simply don't let that shine through to my real life. Not because I'm not proud of it, but because the type of people that draws aren't the type of people I like to hang out with.
i'm the same in that i don't let it shine through either, but nor do i come into threads like these and be a massive cunt about people that do

i'm the same in that i don't let it shine through either, but nor do i come into threads like these and be a massive cunt about people that do
I don't see how I'm being a massive cunt. I posted my opinion. I didn't say he shouldn't have the party. I didn't say he's a cigarette for having the party. I didn't even mean to imply it if I did. I just personally don't see the point.

Side-note: [3:02:16 AM] Paul Ragone: i wonder if everyone in that thread knows how much of a virgin they are
It's always cute when some dumb meathead thinks that "virgin" is a meaningful detractor when directed at teens.

LMFAO, this is why I said nerd above. Go to any other party and there's a keg of beer. Go to a lan party, and there's a keg of root loving beer. lmfao.
Side-note: [3:02:16 AM] Paul Ragone: i wonder if everyone in that thread knows how much of a virgin they are
This goes beyond posting that you don't see the point, and moves into "look at me guys i'm a cunt" territory

LMFAO, this is why I said nerd above. Go to any other party and there's a keg of beer. Go to a lan party, and there's a keg of root loving beer. lmfao.
I have parties with and without alcohol, does that make me an occasional nerd?

I really wanted to host a lan party for the official release of MC, but I never got it together...i still think it would be fun.

Yo Hiiro, wanna do a lan party when you come up to visit? We'll get Archon and some other people...but we're not playing LoL.

It's always cute when some dumb meathead thinks that "virgin" is a meaningful detractor when directed at teens.
[3:13:26 AM] Paul Ragone: that kids obv a virgin

This goes beyond posting that you don't see the point, and moves into "look at me guys i'm a cunt" territory
I made a joke. I wasn't seriously insulting his party, he probably had fun and that's cool with me. I was just saying, as I explained above, that the stereotype for parties is drinking booze, and stereotypically nerds are intelligent enough not to drink.

I have parties with and without alcohol, does that make me an occasional nerd?
fo sho bro