Author Topic: Oh god guys the door is stuck. I'm free! (story on page 11)  (Read 6691 times)

I am in my bathroom, just finished taking a shower, and the door won't open. I tried kicking it open but all that did is make my leg hurt. I can't get anyone to let me out because my family is sleeping, and I can't jump out the window because it's 30 degrees outside and I'm naked.

What should I do?

Story time!
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 10:37:09 AM by Shazoo »

I'm wondering why the computer is in the bathroom

I'm wondering why the computer is in the bathroom
...Or he could be on his phone.

I'm wondering why the computer is in the bathroom
I'm on my iPod

find something to unscrew the hinges with, take the door off completely

feel like a badass while doing it and you'll be fine

Holy stuff.
You should try feeling if there's any sort of external force pushing against the door, or if it's just the hinges.

...Or he could be on his phone.


Use your imagination.
Summon a rocket launcher.

good thing not all my doors are made of solid steel and that they're made of cheap wood.

Jump out the window naked in 30 degree weather

Call mom with google phone
To use google phone, get gmail account, go to contact list, should be a phone somewhere
It's free

I've actually had this problem before with my bathroom door... I started freaking out when the doorknob seemed busted and wouldn't do anything when I turned it... I don't know how I get it open, but freaked me the hell out.

He's going to end up drawing one of our suggestions and turn this into an adventure.

Need pics of you and door to properly come up with a strategy.