
Which of the following do you consume on a regular basis?

15 (6.2%)
8 (3.3%)
21 (8.7%)
3 (1.2%)
7 (2.9%)
4 (1.7%)
58 (24.1%)
Strange Pills
7 (2.9%)
High-Fructose Corn-Syrup (HFCS)
46 (19.1%)
3 (1.2%)
4 (1.7%)
9 (3.7%)
None of the Above
53 (22%)
LSD/Shrooms (Psychedelics)
3 (1.2%)

Total Members Voted: 138

Author Topic: Drug and Alcohol Usage Poll  (Read 2494 times)

Coffee occasionally. Not often enough to be "addicted".

the poll dosnt make sense. "regular basis"? dosnt that mean daily, or almost daily?

even hardcore users dont do half of these that often

You'd honestly be surprised how many folks go around buying and gobbling unknown pills after having something first.

um... my comment is that they arent doing it daily.

short of alcohol, corn syrup, and caffeine.
few hardcore potheads even do it daily

i do nearly everything on that list but i cant poll it because i dont do any of them regularly

Oh, er, that was sort of directed at everyone but hey.

I'm actually acquainted to quite a few folks who's first priority in the day is getting more weed, and that's pretty much it. Eventually casual use turns into reliance, it's a shame really.

i said caffeine because it's in almost every soft drink ever

I can't get addicted to anything because I physically can't get anything often, but I eat foods like chocolate or soda daily.

I drank two glasses of rum today and my head hurts now.

I eat a lot of Pocket Coffee and occasionaly drink Red Bull.

I consume HFCS pretty much everyday from the fruit juice I drink at home, but other than that and some soda occasionally, I don't use drugs or alcohol.

laughed really hard at high fructose corn syrup

Caffeine Junkies- everywhere!

I am one with the sky clad in diamonds.