
Admin Contest: Best Admin! (ADMINS: Enter now!)

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Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Blake1's Trench Wars TDM! (LOCKED) (COMING SOON, FALLING PLATFORMS)  (Read 4672 times)

Hmmmm.....I am going to edit those rules. My cousin made them up.

I didn't see a change when I looked on the main page...

Rule 5 was removed.

EDIT: Rule 5 on ADMINS RULES was removed.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:27:23 AM by BlocklandRules31622 »

Sorry double post. I can't host currently because I forgeted up a script I made. It crashes me when I use it. Server won't be up today.

Simply delete the script.

I need it. It helps Admins by detecting spam. I just tested it. I said Hi and detected it as spam lol

Blake, admins can easily see spam, spam is when somone does this...
Example ^^^^^

True, I will just delete it. May start the server after school.

I would do an Admin Contest, but we would need more Admins.

Yeah :/, what would be the prize for winning?

In-Game Name: Adz
BL_ID: 27345
Experience: Harry Gunn's Server, amyrose0ver9000's Server, Your server.
Who Recommends you?: Harry Gunn.
Why I want to be Admin: I want to be admin so I can keep an eye on the server, I'll make sure that any admins (and super admins if I have to) are not abusing or being total douches. I'll also if you need help with to build.
Time Zone: UK
Other: I would not recommend someone like Cannon666 to be one, he is a total cigarette that stole my avatar and people think he is me.
never joining this server now

Problem with Adz?
look at his dramas, he is a troll or a 9 year old