Author Topic: Sharpest infared image ever of the Milky Way core  (Read 4943 times)

No stuff, really?

You're saying that the browser loads the image and then resizes it takes the same time as loading the image?
Up yours, Wilson. I wouldn't know. Excuse me for not knowing the ins and outs of an internet browser, you don't have to be so blunt. Calm down. I don't have the same common sense as others do.

Loaded. it's not that bad.

God forbid someone post this as a pic on here.

stuffstorm immenent

Houston we have a problem.
i call kalphiter wilson for some reason, i didnt mean watson

Wait, did somebody say Milky Way core?

Suing NASA for this bullstuff, I published this photo last week

That server is slow as stuff.
Blame the links between my server and your ISP, not me.

Blame the links between my server and your ISP, not me.

Pecon's loads fast. I will blame you.

Someone take this image and make it a Slate Space map.