Author Topic: Earth 7.0: The planet Aeus  (Read 3776 times)

Location - Next to Porlaq, please.

Multilingual lol
You speak Russian and English.
Same case with my population.

op updated
now we can start

GT starts construction on their capital, Trhoseyou.

After KBTU has settled their borders, they start to construct spaceports and towns.

About a fourth of a mile from the DMZ on Demizo island, RAM constructs a heavy wall, with landmines, tank traps, and AP towers.

Near the mountainside, DSYS constructs the capital of Dobhe.

Irajinia begins construction on its capital and for no apparent reason starts a space program, designed to forward the progress made in aerodynamics.
We expect that it will reverse whatever progress is made, not forward it.
If we somehow make web babby progress, we'll tell you.
Especially if we land on the aptly named Mun.
Don't even ask why we called it that.
We'll also provide maps after our first unmanned mission.

After what seems like an eternity, Nogova has returned. (still strovbe guys.)

Country name: Nogova


Government type: Democratic

Leader or president: Ivan Mielv

Country type: Military

Allys:None, yet.

Population: 400,000

Capital: Niavelesk

Languages: English, Russian

DEFCON Level: 5

Weaponry**: SU-104, AS-TBR

Location: Bordering Irajinia and KBTU
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 06:56:24 PM by Shinji »

I missed these. Might join again.

op updated (should i even keep doing this?)

GT recon squads have discovered RAM's incredibly reinforced wall.
They decide to build one as well to balance it out, but they must build it stronger to resist RAM's forces.


secret orbital satellite launches 4129083 nukes at aeus

secret orbital satellite launches 4129083 nukes at aeus

secret orbital satellite launches 4129083 nukes at aeus
wowe aues died lokeng thred guise :(((((((

Nogova has finally put the Su-104 into service as their main fighter jet.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 05:08:21 PM by Shinji »