Author Topic: KONY 2012 - PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO  (Read 4625 times)

>say something stupid
>get negative response

You're loving dumb. You come in here assaulting me and attempting to give out my personal information, and then when you utterly failed and were called out on your mistake you became defensive and attacked me once more. I think you need to check yourself.

He's just picking on Iban because he's Iban.
plus beachbum wants to be cool

Totally, lemme impress all of you nerds with my support for children in Uganda. Only reason I posted that picture was because all of a sudden people are trying to raise awareness for something that has been going on for decades. Something that is going on in multiple countries, under multiple peoples and "rulers" for a lack of a better word. Taking down Kony won't do stuff, you know why? because he has an army of sick forgets just like him that are willing to follow through his lead. Look at Al Qaeda, killed the main leaders and they're still pumping out terror. No matter how much awareness you raise and how hard you try, stuff like this will always be around in the world because that's how the world works.

good job beachbum
good job

Do you know why they are raising awareness?
Because not many people have heard of it before.
Not because no one cares but because the media hasn't said anything about him before.
I also guess trying to do anything for humanity won't do stuff either, will it?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 10:42:22 PM by Mr.jacksaunt »

You're loving dumb. You come in here assaulting me and attempting to give out my personal information, and then when you utterly failed and were called out on your mistake you became defensive and attacked me once more. I think you need to check yourself.
>defending the fact that you tried to "dox" me despite the fact that my name is public domain registrar information, displayed on my steam account, skype account, and the name tied to my gmail account

Totally, lemme impress all of you nerds with my support for children in Uganda.
>internet tough guy
>internet tough guy

Only reason I posted that picture was because all of a sudden people are trying to raise awareness for something that has been going on for decades.
I realize that, but it's never been as well advertised as this. It's never been given a face, there was no public enemy, there wasn't the idea that we can do anything about it. America's isolationism was an inhibiting factor since before WW2. We idly sat by and let millions of jews get torched before deciding to act because most people carry the idea that America is America and should take care of itself and nobody else.

Something that is going on in multiple countries, under multiple peoples and "rulers" for a lack of a better word. Taking down Kony won't do stuff, you know why? because he has an army of sick forgets just like him that are willing to follow through his lead. Look at Al Qaeda, killed the main leaders and they're still pumping out terror. No matter how much awareness you raise and how hard you try, stuff like this will always be around in the world because that's how the world works.
>we shouldn't try to do anything because it won't matter

Maybe that's why you're chronically depressed, Monocle. You don't have the testicular fortitude or drive to get things done, so you just sit and bitch about what you see as immutable.

Hanging posters and retweeting the kony2012 website has a visible impact and is already doing a lot to raise awareness of an issue that has already gone unnoticed for far, far too long. You're suggesting we do nothing because you don't think it would matter. It's a good loving thing we don't employ 18 year old crybabies in our government.

good job beachbum
good job

Do you know why they are raising awareness?
Because not many people have heard of it before.
Not because no one cares but because the media hasn't said anything about him before.

You still sound like an idiot. Do you honestly think someone will be put to justice because the media wants them to? Lol as if. If they haven't done something about this person already because of his current crimes, what makes you think that more people knowing about it will want them to enforce it even more? According to you the media controls everything!

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't support the cause and the movements to take down disgusting people like this, I just think that it's ridiculous that they're pumping millions into a cause that isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Sure maybe it'll give refuge to a few thousand kids that are under his rule, but you know, the other tens of thousands who are still being used as meatshields, love slaves, and etc are still going to be used as just that. I'm not trying to sound like an starfish, but you're making it incredibly hard with your clear attempt to want to do nothing but shut me down.

Maybe that's why you're chronically depressed, Monocle. You don't have the testicular fortitude or drive to get things done, so you just sit and bitch about what you see as immutable.

Hanging posters and retweeting the kony2012 website has a visible impact and is already doing a lot to raise awareness of an issue that has already gone unnoticed for far, far too long. You're suggesting we do nothing because you don't think it would matter. It's a good loving thing we don't employ 18 year old crybabies in our government.

Alright, I'm going to ignore everything else in your post besides this because it's way too rich to not pick on. If you're going to sit here and insult me and pick out things I've done, I'll do the same. Testicular fortitude? aren't you the guy who wanted to castrate himself because Stocking and multiple other internet women wouldn't love you because you're a repulsive individual?

hanging posters and retweeting anything isn't going to do stuff, because what do you think, Kony is going to go on his twitter one day and see that everyone doesn't like what he's doing and he should surrender and submit that he's a bad man? I'm not suggesting we do nothing, I'm just suggesting we don't pump millions of dollars into feeding the publicity and giving them something to talk about and actually loving do something about it. What are you doing? You're sitting on your lazy ass retweeting and arguing about it on the internet. I'm not saying I'm doing much more to help, but what can I do? If I had the power, then I'd go and I'd mutilate the forget out of him while he was still alive and completely conscious.

You still sound like an idiot. Do you honestly think someone will be put to justice because the media wants them to? Lol as if. If they haven't done something about this person already because of his current crimes, what makes you think that more people knowing about it will want them to enforce it even more? According to you the media controls everything!
Uh, it does. The public gets what the public wants. If there's a massive outcry for something to be done and the politicians don't acknowledge it properly, they won't get voted back into office. That's how it works.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't support the cause and the movements to take down disgusting people like this, I just think that it's ridiculous that they're pumping millions into a cause that isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Sure maybe it'll give refuge to a few thousand kids that are under his rule, but you know, the other tens of thousands who are still being used as meatshields, love slaves, and etc are still going to be used as just that.
You ride around in a Rolls-loving-Royce but don't think it's worth the money to only help a few thousand kids. I don't want to hear about appropriation of funds, friend.

I'm not trying to sound like an starfish, but you're making it incredibly hard with your clear attempt to want to do nothing but shut me down.
You are an starfish. I don't know what you mean by "trying to shut you down", but if you haven't noticed, nobody on this forum likes you. There's not much I can do to hurt your reputation that you aren't doing for yoursef.

Alright, I'm going to ignore everything else in your post besides this because it's way too rich to not pick on. If you're going to sit here and insult me and pick out things I've done, I'll do the same. Testicular fortitude? aren't you the guy who wanted to castrate himself because Stocking and multiple other internet women wouldn't love you because you're a repulsive individual?
I'm repulsive? lol. Last time I checked, I can look people in their eyes. Both of them at the same time.

hanging posters and retweeting anything isn't going to do stuff, because what do you think, Kony is going to go on his twitter one day and see that everyone doesn't like what he's doing and he should surrender and submit that he's a bad man? I'm not suggesting we do nothing, I'm just suggesting we don't pump millions of dollars into feeding the publicity and giving them something to talk about and actually loving do something about it. What are you doing? You're sitting on your lazy ass retweeting and arguing about it on the internet. I'm not saying I'm doing much more to help, but what can I do? If I had the power, then I'd go and I'd mutilate the forget out of him while he was still alive and completely conscious.
Are you loving handicapped? Do you ignore EVERYTHING I say in favor of being a completely uneducated forgetwit? Holy jesus it's like you're some sort of robot programmed to write stupid loving stuff.

I've explained the purpose of the campaign OVER, and OVER again. If you had watched the video you wouldn't even need to. There's no point regurgitating the backwash of my last speech on the issue when you're clearly doing everything in your power to mock an entire movement.

Here, I'm just going to quote this for you.

Joseph Kony is a Uganda terrorist that has banded together a rebel union by abducting children from their families and indoctrinating them to his belief system. Joseph Kony is not backed by an government and only serves to further his own power. He forces these kids to kill their parents and mutilate the faces of rebels inside his insurgency in order to prove their loyalty.

This has been going on for decades. The problem is, that nobody has cared. Any previous attempts to stop or negotiate with Mister Kony has resulted in treachery. Often, Kony will agree to terms, become docile, only to abduct more children and strengthen his numbers and ranks before invading and attacking, rooting and raping again.

The guy that made this video hopes to make him viral; he wants to make the name "Joseph Kony" as well known and as despised as "Adolf Riddler", "Sadam Hussein", and "Osama bin Laden". To do this, he asks people to spread the word and on the night of April 20th, while most people are asleep, he wants people to hang up the "Kony 2012" poster. He hopes that people will wake up on the 21st, go outside, and see the Kony 2012 poster on every street corner, every building, spiked in every yard, hung in every community bulletin board, and printed on t-shirts of people in the streets.

Not knowing what the forget Kony 2012 is, and potentially assuming they were some new hip candidate, they will google "Kony 2012" or "Kony" and find the mission statement, discover the video, and hate Joseph Kony as much as the families in Africa that have lost loved ones to his regime. They will tell more people, make the news, and force the hands of their law makers to act in opposition of the terrorist, and in support of the people living in the areas afflicted by him.

Are you kidding?
Without media, you wouldn't know jack stuff about anything new happening. We live in a democracy where civilians can have a say in things happening in issues like this.
You also say that people shouldn't throw a few dollars and some of their time trying to give tech aid to a country. Oppresion doesn't work in today's modern world.

itt: people who shouldn't have returned from permabans

itt: people who shouldn't have returned from permabans
And me

itt: people who shouldn't have returned from permabans
Get bent. I'm on the right here.

Still doesn't change the fact that Iban wants to tear a teenage boy's chilli ring lol

Still doesn't change the fact that Iban wants to tear a teenage boy's chilli ring lol
Don't you have any other friends to berate, or have they all blocked you at this point?

Don't you have any other friends to berate, or have they all blocked you at this point?

Is that supposed to be an insult or a jab at something completely irrelevant to me?

Uh, it does. The public gets what the public wants. If there's a massive outcry for something to be done and the politicians don't acknowledge it properly, they won't get voted back into office. That's how it works.
You ride around in a Rolls-loving-Royce but don't think it's worth the money to only help a few thousand kids. I don't want to hear about appropriation of funds, friend.
You are an starfish. I don't know what you mean by "trying to shut you down", but if you haven't noticed, nobody on this forum likes you. There's not much I can do to hurt your reputation that you aren't doing for yoursef.
I'm repulsive? lol. Last time I checked, I can look people in their eyes. Both of them at the same time.
Are you loving handicapped? Do you ignore EVERYTHING I say in favor of being a completely uneducated forgetwit? Holy jesus it's like you're some sort of robot programmed to write stupid loving stuff.

I've explained the purpose of the campaign OVER, and OVER again. If you had watched the video you wouldn't even need to. There's no point regurgitating the backwash of my last speech on the issue when you're clearly doing everything in your power to mock an entire movement.

Here, I'm just going to quote this for you.

Do you ignore everything besides the bullstuff that comes out of your mouth? It sure sounds like it. You're a loving idiot who can't bear to be wrong. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I'm just saying it's a loving pointless campaign.

Are you kidding?
Without media, you wouldn't know jack stuff about anything new happening. We live in a democracy where civilians can have a say in things happening in issues like this.
You also say that people shouldn't throw a few dollars and some of their time trying to give tech aid to a country. Oppresion doesn't work in today's modern world.

While that is completely true, it's also completely false at the same time. Media overplays everything for what? Money. And btw, we don't have any say in what's happening about it because while this country may be a democracy, that one isn't. And they obviously don't care too much if that person is still in power. Tech aid doesn't do stuff. Once you go out there and actually help someone, then I'll tell you that you did a good job, but posting this on blockland and facebook is worth nothing more than a bandwagoning kick in the richard.

for a campaign that aims to raise awareness, i think they've been pretty damn successful


you're a repulsive individual?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 11:57:50 PM by Böltster »

Watch as my argument devolves to nothing but pointless incitement and nothing of value momomo