Author Topic: Cromedome - I am Jookia!  (Read 6983 times)

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« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 01:34:23 PM by Badspot »

Jookia's mom consists of various numbers, letters, and symbols?


What are you trying to accomplish Zimmy?

 It does

Please stay out of the post... you are making things worse plus you're racking up your post count...

I think this whole charade was over the moment Boltster stepped into the thread, Jook and Boltster have known each-other for a fair while, even before I knew him which was when I beta-tested CityRPG.
Nothing more to see here folks, show's over

I think this whole charade was over the moment Boltster stepped into the thread, Jook and Boltster have known each-other for a fair while, even before I knew him which was when I beta-tested CityRPG.
Nothing more to see here folks, show's over
yeah pretty much

i'm just pushing for more to see what sort of hillarious excuses cromedome comes up with to try and prove he's jookia

I've seen jookia a few times but he's rarely on.

Also, why do I get a whiff of the alt pixies when I'm around Zimmy, it can't be a coincidence, surely?

Also, why do I get a whiff of the alt pixies when I'm around Zimmy, it can't be a coincidence, surely?
not sure, my gut on this one tells me that zimmy is just an innocent (albiet bat stuff stupid) party, and has been tricked by cromedome

Also OF COURSE you lost the email and password haven't we all heard that before? like all users on the forums had a BLID with 3, but they lost the email and password. I hear that stuff all the tim.e

report zimmy and move on, folks

this guy isn't jookia and will never be him.

Oh well, just like the Templar were to Jesus, unbelieving and faithless.
the Templars were on the Pope's side during the Crusades, what are you talking about?

oh my god they're both more stupid than i thought.