Author Topic: Piarre  (Read 2295 times)

Ok so I was on Cool Blockland or somthing like thats server, and me, Badspot, Rotondo, sponge etc, were on the server, and piarre (my used to be friend) started saying, "Zimmy" this and "Zimmy" that. I asked him to stop and he made people join in. My in-game name is Wand and I hate Zimmy for all the trouble ive caused. Anyways, so here are some pics of how annyoing he was..... I dont want this to go to MY drama, here let me say it RIGHT NOW. I was an ass to everyone I just had somthing really bad happen to me and I take it out on EVERYONE. Now, I know there will still be hate, but ill get over it sometime. Now I want you to look at these pics.

this is the first hybrid apology/drama thread i've ever seen.

The point is Piarre not me. now discuss....

You have been in some stupid buisness but piarre is just Being forgetig nosy and stuff.

I kinda support

Ok, well Piarre needs to learn, he is an ass, and own up to it.

Off top: lol badspot and rot was there

Yea, were were havin fun.

WHo is?
Even though he quoted my message and saying underneath it was "you're dumb"
Don't know who.

Even though he quoted my message and saying underneath it was "you're dumb"
Don't know who.
You (User: "._maxwell23461_.") are mentally challenged("dumb")

"Badspot, Rotondo"
If you've ever gone anywhere near General Discussion you'd know Rotondo and Badspot have been on others' servers frequently recently.

You (User: "._maxwell23461_.") are mentally challenged("dumb")
He was sarcastically talking to Zimmy.
And dumb is mentally challenged, it means you can't speak.

"Badspot, Rotondo"

Maxwell just gtfo the forums. Your trying and acting so Badass but yet your a 10-12 year old boy who got a heavy light voice. Yes you have sent me pictures. Your the huggest prick on the forum. Yes this beats Stocking, she's just a tiny pick richard.