Author Topic: The Brick Topic [33 bricks, Latest: Float Cubes]  (Read 17367 times)

You did copy the pop brick pack The old one
but it went broken...
but Ty for making this agean :D
I have converted the models into brick format, from the DTS format

Welp, I've worked on a few things and figure I'll just throw them out here.

The book bricks (from RTB) UV mapped to a use a custom print template for the front, back and spine. If you want to make prints for these, the print add-on must be titled Print_Book_Something and the prints must match this template. They don't have to be 1024x1024 but they do have to be square even with all that empty space.
Do note that these books are renamed so you can run both at once, if for whatever reason you want a book with just a letter on the front or something.

Siba's terrain bricks with custom shapes so you can build on their slopes.

Have asked, siba doesn't seem against these being posted, etc etc I sort of stopped caring so these are getting posted now.


Cool stuff! Maybe I should throw some suggestions at you and Siba sometime.

You should make lego stairs.

Yaaaaay, you made it <3

um, basically zones

um, basically zones
except, doesn't require zone events

Float cubes are completely useless since zone cubes do the same exact thing

except, doesn't require zone events
actually you don't need to do any eventing. just place a zone cube down and blam you can build floating stuff in it. no eventing required.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 11:50:55 AM by Planr »

-oops, doublepost-
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 11:51:13 AM by Planr »

Uses less dtablocks though.

oh wow, floating bricks... thats... loving Awesome!

Float cubes are completely useless since zone cubes do the same exact thing

Why did you quote yourself anyways?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 10:46:43 AM by Blockoverlord »

Do you think you could add a DL all button?

oh wow, floating bricks... thats... loving Awesome!

Why did you quote yourself anyways?
Oops, I messed up there lol. Fixing.