Author Topic: Jazz - The BADmin (And bitch)  (Read 18593 times)

Sorry for everything guys, I hope we can all be aquatences again in the future, and be on better terms

Anyways bye. Have a nice ban.

I love when people screw up and act sorry for everything they've done
even funnier when they think people will forgive them

he said he's 16 in his relationship forget up thread, but i severely doubt it.

my money is on 12-14

I love when people screw up and act sorry for everything they've done
even funnier when they think people will forgive them

oh man I am sorry guys

I hope we can still be aqueentancess  :cookieMonster:

No, guys, you see, as also seen in my relationship thread,
when I get mad, I tend to do a lot of things I'll regret,
I am 16, and for my age, yes, I'm quite immature
But seriosly, I do hope you guys can forgive me one day,
And if I do get banned.  I do deserve it, and I accept that fact.

I am 16, and for my age, yes, I'm quite immature
That explains a lot.

No, guys, you see, as also seen in my relationship thread,
when I get mad, I tend to do a lot of things I'll regret,
I am 16, and for my age, yes, I'm quite immature
But seriosly, I do hope you guys can forgive me one day,
And if I do get banned.  I do deserve it, and I accept that fact.

I'm 16, at least I don't act stupid like you.

Alright, I'm sorry. Me and Slurpee were on Skype and decided to have a little fun... Maybe too much
Sorry bout' that, were fixing everything up right now
God you're selfish, just for fun, people most likely lost their money and other things because of you.
You can't be sorry for doing something that you did for fun.

Yeah. Sorry bout all that, we just decided to have a couples laughs, if Boom decides to punish us, thats fine by me.
Again, just for fun I think that's bannable from the server.

I was not mentioned in it. Not within the first 3 pages, if you'd like to hunt my name down and post a link of the post, be my guest.
But even. 3 Dramas in the past 4 years?
Not bad.
And one was over a stupid reason.
So the only legitimate one... is this.
And all this is. Is me having a couple laughs. 
At least you admit to this. Stop mentioning a couple laughs no matter how many excuses you make, it won't work.

Hey, you guys want the CityRPG folder with drugs?
There ya go
This makes you look even more handicapped.

Wow guys. Cam got his key revoked.
What the hell, I mean, yeah he's a douche, but was that really worth it?

Um.  I don't deserve a key revoke, I've been playing this game for a long time, and stayed a quiet member of the community, a lot quieter than a lot of other people at least.  Slurpee did not deserve a key revoke, as he was simply telling people he didnt care if he was banned from the forums, that doesn't mean he should lose a $20 dollar key he purchased with his own money.  He plays the game the same way everyone else does, but all the sudden, out of all the trolls on Blockland he deserves a key revoke? And people like %1 still have thiers?  No, I don't believe that is just and fair.
Yes, he is a handicap. Sometimes
But I agree, a key revoke is too far
No you don't deserve a key revoke I do agree, but you deserve a ban, nobody cares if you've been playing this game for a long time, this isn't about a story of your history with blockland, it's a drama about you
cheating and badmin'ing in a CITY RPG.

Well. So your saying everyone's keys should be based off their forum behavior?
In that case, a lot of people should have thier keys revoked.

Spamming and Trolling on a forum shouldn't result in the removal of a $20 ID from a game.
Somewhat right, somewhat wrong.

No, I'm still here, your all complete fools. That is why I haven't been posting,
When you buy a Blockland key, you sign no paper agreeing that you can't be an idiot.
Revoking a $20 dollar key, for a reason that half your players are, is ridiculous.
On the forums I belive there is this I Agree check box, maybe read the rules.
But in-game, no.

I wanted to leave the thread. But. You just went above and beyond pissing me off.
Shut the forget up.
I didn't do stuff to your crappy "CityRPG"
You were running MY and cciamlazys mod.
Not something you made.
You were using MY roads.
That I never gave permission to use.
All you loving did was hit "Start Server"
And expected it to work.
I didn't crash your server
I didn't lower your playercount
And I didn't do stuff to you.
So forget off me, because I didn't do stuff to you.
I thought we were friends,
but obviosly thats bullstuff.
If you wanted to leave the thread that is 100% up to you, no one is stoping you, only yourself, just because someone pisses you off doens't mean you
need to sink to their level, it just makes you look more like a idiot.

So what your saying is,
I didn't start work on a Terragen for YOUR DRPG
I didn't have multiple Skype calls with you as a friend?
If you want to go be a bitch
Go right ahead
Because I couldn't care less
Your an immature 14 year old who needs to grow the forget up and realize people are more important than a damn game.
Get a life,
Go hang out with friends, or some stuff
Stop being a little bitch.
This is funny, I like how you're telling someone to get a life when you have horrible anger issues.
you're also being ignorant, you can't even admit to your self.

Your an immature 14 year old who needs to grow the forget up and realize people are more important than a damn game.
You're 16 and loving around on a server just for the lols, and you're still here crying about how you think every little thing is un-fair.

So I'm banned for telling a little kid he needs to grow up and get a life,
and that I don't care about what he thinks?
So what your saying,
Is that I don't have the freedom of saying that I don't care about something?
I didn't flame anyone
I told him how I felt about him,
Because he's a backstabbing little prick.
That is the absolute truth
This isn't bannable, I don't think. You flamed him by telling him to stop being a little bitch and telling him to get a life.
which I find halarious.

I don't deserve a ban, at all.
I've been a nice, quiet member of this community for 4 years my friend
Look at all my other topics, their perfectly fine,
But when someone trys to get all big and blame me for stuff I didn't do, don't expect me to sit down and take it like a little bitch.
Sorry that I didn't care about Boom
I still don't
I'm sorry if that offends people,
But I don't take stuff from little cry-baby pricks.
you've been a nice quiet 4 year forum member, Until now. this isn't really about your topic, it's about you badmin'ing and making yourself look more of a fool in this thread.

No, guys, you see, as also seen in my relationship thread,
when I get mad, I tend to do a lot of things I'll regret,
I am 16, and for my age, yes, I'm quite immature
But seriosly, I do hope you guys can forgive me one day,
And if I do get banned.  I do deserve it, and I accept that fact.
16 isn't a immature age, but you act like it, everyone has a little bit of immuturaty in life.
It will take alot of time to forgive you.

and before I leave this post, I will say I am more disapointed in the posts you made in the thread than the badmin'ing

I'm 16, at least I don't act stupid like you.
Yeah, you probably don't, I admit, I am an immature 16 year old.

and before I leave this post, I will say I am more disapointed in the posts you made in the thread than the badmin'ing
Well I am sorry, There is nothing more I can do, I hope one day I will earn your respect back

Yeah, you probably don't, I admit, I am an immature 16 year old.
Well I am sorry, There is nothing more I can do, I hope one day I will earn your respect back
I respect the fact that you apologized.

I respect the fact that you apologized.
Well thank you.
I really do hope to earn my quiet, nice, little, restful place back in Blockland.

Well thank you.
I really do hope to earn my quiet, nice, little, restful place back in Blockland.
Your better off staying quiet and not posting anywhere in drama.

I found it funny how jazz suddenly had a change of attitude and decided to try and delete all of his posts and say he's sorry.

No, guys, you see, as also seen in my relationship thread,
when I get mad, I tend to do a lot of things I'll regret,
I am 16, and for my age, yes, I'm quite immature
But seriosly, I do hope you guys can forgive me one day,
And if I do get banned.  I do deserve it, and I accept that fact.

You said to me you was 21.

The lies I've been filled with.

I found it funny how jazz suddenly had a change of attitude and decided to try and delete all of his posts and say he's sorry.
I did.
Shocker eh?
I actually manned up a little.

You said to me you was 21.

The lies I've been filled with.