Author Topic: Jazz - The BADmin (And bitch)  (Read 18592 times)

NOEDIT: Due to the fact you removed the other two links, but of course i saw the other image.
Zac Conover
Michael Walker

Zac Conover
Michael Walker
I really do hope those are removed.
Thats my personal information.
Guys use them for info, but please don't do stupid crap.

I really do hope those are removed.
Thats my personal information.
Guys use them for info, but please don't do stupid crap.

As long your privacy settings has been set to "Only friends", you should be okay.

As long your privacy settings has been set to "Only friends", you should be okay.
Right, forgot about all the privacy crap on Facebook.
Continue on.

Well to the bed I go,
Have a nice conversation.

Wait wait wait.

So Colonial is JazZ and Fission is Colonial?

Or was Colonial not JazZ and Badspot made a mistake :o!

I believe Badspot on this one.

Wait wait wait.

So Colonial is JazZ and Fission is Colonial?

Or was Colonial not JazZ and Badspot made a mistake :o!

I believe Badspot on this one.
All three is most likely the same person.

Wait wait wait.

So Colonial is JazZ and Fission is Colonial?

Or was Colonial not JazZ and Badspot made a mistake :o!

I believe Badspot on this one.
JazZ = Zac
Colonial killer = Michael
Fission = Michael

JazZ = Zac
Colonial killer = Michael
Fission = Michael
So Badspot was wrong?


Sorry for bumping this.

Wow, he bought an ID just for the forums, he can't even stay off the forums for one day.

As I've already stated,
You have incorrect beliefs, and there's nothing more I can do to prove to you
If you can't proove us than why try?

I'll PM you the Facebook links tomorrow.
I'm not going to belive a facebook page.
I am, but I saw a bug near my bed and I haven't killed it yet,
So I cannot sleep until it is found.
Poor baby.

So Badspot was wrong?

Badspot may be wrong, but probably JazZ and Colonial used the same computer(IP) and Badspot assumed they
were the same person.

Wow, he bought an ID just for the forums, he can't even stay off the forums for one day.
I'm not going to belive a facebook page.
Badspot may be wrong, but probably JazZ and Colonial used the same computer(IP) and Badspot assumed they
were the same person.
So much this.

It is pretty strange how he immediately bought a BL_ID just to post on the forums though.


Double post.

So this new account, Fission, who is totally 100% colonial killer and totally not [JazZ] because they are totally two different people, used the email ""?  Ok cool.  I believe you about everything now. 

Very odd profile ID numbers... one of them seems really new.
Yes everyone established that [JazZ] is Colonial and Colonial, can this die now, it is really over.

At least post at this topic.